Friday, May 31, 2019

Medieval world reflected in Japanese literature: examples of changes an

As with most societies, as time progresses there will always be many changes. Likewise, as Japan moved into the medieval period there would be changes, specifically in some noticeable changes that are found in the literature. In expression at how prose and poetry was affected during this time, it should be noted that in many ways the literature of the period was made as a method of honour the old literature and building beyond it. An example can be seen in the poems of Shinkokinsh, and in drawing from Kokinsh, Shinkokin waka sh is a New Collection of Poems Ancient and ripe (Handout 10). That being said, Shinkokinsh was compiled exactly 300 years after Kokinsh was acceptedly compiled, therefore making Shinkokinsh an anniversary collection that would also be inspired by the original works. Shinkokinsh shows within it there are parts that draw a lot from the past, while there are also works from the modern time period. As for prose, there have been some changes in language that can be seen between some examples. Descriptions of residencies and e preciseday life will always vary from soulfulness to person, as it is seen in The Pillow Book by Sei Shnagon with its decriptions of life in the Imperial court and the very different An Account of My Hut by Kamo no Chmei and its description of a very different world as seen by the humble Buddhist monk. The deuce accounts were also written about cc years apart, which allows for there to be some significant societal changes to be seen between the writings, in addition to the difference in the lifestyles of the of the respective authors. These examples are fair a small representation of the changes that occurred in Japanese literature, particularly poetry and prose during the medieval period, ... ...s that both have as they build upon the previous works from in front times. The very obvious example is Kokinsh and Shinkokinsh and their connections. There are many aspects of the works that are similar, and quite possibly the same, but there are the innovations and changes that are very noticeable in these works as there is progression through time. The most notable innovation, which is also seen in the zuhitsus, is the changes in structure. The best examples are the exercise of the x-no-y-no-z pattern and taigendome as found in Shinkokinsh as they stand out very clearly and the coherent and broken into groups and sections in the structure between the two zuhitsus. With all art forms, there will be changes and innovations as they evolve. While they eventually not resemble their predecessors, they will represent the survival of the art and delight in it in its own way.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rap :: essays research papers

Throughout the past years, rap and all other types of medicinal drug artist use their music to express their views, opinions and feelings in their songs. From their lyrics, you get out have a little understanding towards what they see and feel about the society. The artists should be happy because this is a freedom of speech country and they can spell any types of music to express themselves. Although thither are voices adage rap music should be censored and it has been influencing youths mind, but is rap music negatively influencing the youths? There is a survey from the United States saying 48% Americans think popular music should be heavily regulated and 59% Americans cute to restrict violence in music. However, there were no studies providing evidence towards a cause and effect relationship amongst violence, sex and behavioral effect. Even if there are studies, artist and composer will not be concerned about the regulations and/or rules. From this ignorance, this is how vi olence in rap music begins.Rap is defined as a form of popular music developed especially in African-American urban communities and characterized by spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics with a syncopated, repetitive rhythmic accompaniment. In the early 90s, rap music was beginning to be popular, and there were two different rapper groups the East and West Coast. The wars between these two groups were not quite obvious until East Coast rappers began to get more publicity. West Coast rappers were upset and jealous so that they started to make delight of East Coast rappers through their music. East Coast rappers made revenge at West Coast rappers and the war has continue until one day, there was voices saying the other coast had gone too far. Nonetheless, West Coast rapper Tupac Shakur had a personal feud with the East Coast rapper The Notorious B.I.G.. In one of Tupacs song, he proclaimed he had slept with the Biggies wife and Notorious B.I.G. revenged by saying stupid niggaz mess with B ig Poppa, motherf**kers get roasted if you f**k wit B.

The Giver :: essays research papers

The bestower - Main CharacterJonas, the main character in The Giver by Lois Lowry, is a really strong person, which allows him to go farther in life then the people that surround him. Throughout Jonass life he has cognise nothing but " monotony". He lives in a Utopian community where there are no choices and everyone in his world has their lives laid out for them. But, Jonas is given the job of " recipient role of Memory". He alone crawl ins the truths of the world, a world with colors, pain, and choices. What he does with these truths will bring obstacles to his life that will show the readers not only his strengths but his weaknesses as well.Jonas is made to bear the truths of the world alone and is troubled by what he should do with it. Jonas at first doesnt want the memories because after receiving several of them, all that Jonas has known is being questioned and his world turned upside down. He is angry and afraid after receiving his first set of memories. A ngry because of what has been kept from him and afraid because now he doesnt know what to do. Jonas is uncertain whether the world he learns of is best for his community and if people can be trusted to make decisions on their own. In a conversation to "The Giver" (person passing down the memories) about whether or not it is safe to allow people to make their own choices, Jonas say, "What if they are allowed to choose their own mate? And chose haywire? . . .We really have to protect people from wrong choices." But, by the end of that conversation he is uncertain about his feelings and about many other things. Jonas is abstruse because he doesnt know what he should do about it or if he should do anything at all.Jonas finally decides to change the world (at least the one he knows of), but he faces many obstacles trying to do so. Jonas speaks to the Giver about giving memories to the community . He wants to share them with everyone and change the way the community work s. He wants to give them choices and show them that there are differences. The Giver says the only way the community will receive them is if Jonas goes to the beyond and loses his connection to them.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Essay -- essays research papers fc

Born on February 27, 1807, in Portland, Maine, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was raised in a Puritan family with three brothers and four sisters. While growing up he kept a good relationship with his family members. Longfellow spent many years in foreign countries to further his horizons. Longfellows solitary life style would not be expected from his extreme success in poetry (Williams, p.26). Longfellows boyhood home was built by his grandfather, Peleg Wadsworth, in 1784-86, and was the first brick house in Portland. As a memorial to the poet, the house is still standing today. Then the house was by the seaside, where Longfellow could hear the rhythmic roar of the ocean. Probably much of his writing for his rhythms in his writing came through his listening to the wind and waves. Longfellow always visited there, especially up to the time of his fathers death in 1849 (Williams, 29). The life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) was a mixture of triumph and tragedy, fulfillment and disappointment. His youthful ambitions were all literary, but to please his father he became a teacher. During the eight years he taught language at Bowdoin College and eighteen years at Harvard, he never quit writing. Thirteen of his books were published, including Evangeline (1847), the Poems on Slavery (1842), and The Golden Legend (1851). Longfellow also wrote poems about is family (Evangeline, preface). Longfellows vi children...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Samuel Coleridges Poem Kubla Khan Essay -- Poem Poet Coleridge Kubla

Samuel Coleridges Poem Kubla Khan In the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Coleridge, language is utilise to convey cyphers from Coleridges imagination. This is done with the use of vocabulary, imagery, structure, use of contrasts, rhythm and sound devices such as alliteration and assonance.By conveying his imagination by utilize language, the vocabulary used by coleridge is of great importance. The five lines of the poem Kubla Khan sound like a chant or incantation, and help suggest brain-teaser and supernatural themes of the poem. Another important theme of the poem is that of good versus diabolic. The vocabulary used throughout the poem helps convey these themes in images to the reader. In the first devil lines, Coleridge describes the pleasure dome in Xanadu. In Xanadu did Kubla Khana stately pleasure dome reinKubla Khan did not merely order, but decree that a stately pleasure dome be built. This dome is evidence of how unnatural the place of Xanadu is, it has a ruler who ignores the unpleasantness that can be found in life.The use of vocabulary challenges and teases the imagination into seeing what he, Coleridge saw in his dream. In Xanadu, there are not small streams, but sinuous rills and wall and towers do not enclose the gardens but are girdled round. Coleridges use of language and vocabulary helps to convey the extent of his imagination.In the poem Kubla Khan, imagery is in addition important for Coleridge to convey his imagination to the reader. There are images of paradise throughout the poem that are combined with references to darker, more evil places. On example of this is the dickens lover that has bewitched the woman. Coleridges image of the dome of pleasure is mystical, contradicting the restrictions of realism. Xanadu is also a savage and ancient place where pure good and pure evil are much more apparent than in the monotony of everyday living. By using images, Coleridge conveys the extent of his imagination to readers.The structure of Kubla Khan is really in two parts. The first, which contains three stanzas, describes Xanadu as if Coleridge is actually there, experiencing the place first hand. The second part of the poem is filled with longing to be in Xanadu, but Coleridge is inefficient to capture the experience again.The first stanza has a definite rhythm and beat and describes the beauty and sacredness of Xanadu with rich,... ...tant threat of destruction. Ancestral voices prophesying war could be likened to Gods warning to go near the tree, as Eve fell for the snakes treacherous charm.Coleridge describes the river as sacred on numerous occasions throughout the poem, and to Xanadu as holy and enchanted. This is yet another contrast, how can slightlything holy be enchanted at the same time? Coleridge talks too of miracles but mingled with the holiness, Coleridge refers to orchestra pit with his choice of language to depict what is outside the pleasure dome. The demons described are closely related to witchcra ft and the closing lines of Kubla Khan describe pagan rituals that take in charge to protect not only the reader, but also Coleridge himself from the forces of evil and the extent of his imagination.Coleridge, having drunk the milk of paradise desired and sought after the beautiful image of Xanadu and Utopia and his final stanza is his way to describe to the reader how badly he wants to go back there. By using his wide vocabulary to depict images and contrasts with the help of some literary techniques such as imagery and contrasts, Coleridge easily conveys to the reader the extent of his imagination.

Samuel Coleridges Poem Kubla Khan Essay -- Poem Poet Coleridge Kubla

Samuel Coleridges Poem Kubla Khan In the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Coleridge, language is physical exercised to pick out images from Coleridges imagination. This is done with the use of style, imagery, structure, use of contrasts, rhythm and sound devices such as alliteration and assonance.By conveying his imagination by using language, the vocabulary used by coleridge is of great importance. The five lines of the poem Kubla Khan sound like a chant or incantation, and help suggest mystery and apparitional themes of the poem. A nonher authorised theme of the poem is that of good versus evil. The vocabulary used throughout the poem helps convey these themes in images to the reader. In the first dickens lines, Coleridge describes the delight dome in Xanadu. In Xanadu did Kubla Khana stately pleasure dome decreeKubla Khan did not merely order, but decree that a stately pleasure dome be built. This dome is evidence of how unnatural the place of Xanadu is, it has a ruler who ignores the unpleasantness that can be found in life.The use of vocabulary challenges and teases the imagination into seeing what he, Coleridge saw in his dream. In Xanadu, there atomic number 18 not small streams, but sinuous rills and wall and towers do not enclose the gardens but are girdled round. Coleridges use of language and vocabulary helps to convey the extent of his imagination.In the poem Kubla Khan, imagery is also important for Coleridge to convey his imagination to the reader. There are images of paradise throughout the poem that are combined with references to darker, more evil places. On example of this is the demon buff that has bewitched the woman. Coleridges image of the dome of pleasure is mystical, contradicting the restrictions of realism. Xanadu is also a savage and ancient place where pure good and pure evil are much more apparent than in the monotony of everyday living. By using images, Coleridge conveys the extent of his imagination to readers.The structure of Ku bla Khan is really in two parts. The first, which contains three stanzas, describes Xanadu as if Coleridge is actually there, experiencing the place first hand. The second part of the poem is filled with longing to be in Xanadu, but Coleridge is unable to catch up with the experience again.The first stanza has a definite rhythm and beat and describes the beauty and sacredness of Xanadu with rich,... ...tant threat of destruction. Ancestral voices prophesying war could be likened to Gods warning to go near the tree, as Eve fell for the snakes treacherous charm.Coleridge describes the river as sacred on numerous occasions throughout the poem, and to Xanadu as set apart and enchanted. This is yet another contrast, how can something holy be enchanted at the same time? Coleridge talks too of miracles but mingled with the holiness, Coleridge refers to hell with his choice of language to depict what is outside the pleasure dome. The demons described are closely related to witchcraft an d the closing lines of Kubla Khan describe pagan rituals that attempt to value not only the reader, but also Coleridge himself from the forces of evil and the extent of his imagination.Coleridge, having drunk the milk of paradise desired and sought after the beautiful image of Xanadu and Utopia and his last-place stanza is his way to describe to the reader how badly he wants to go back there. By using his wide vocabulary to depict images and contrasts with the help of some literary techniques such as imagery and contrasts, Coleridge easily conveys to the reader the extent of his imagination.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Personal Attachment Style Essay

My personal attachment style as determined by the Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire (Fraley, n. d. ) was secure, which seemed appropriate. Individuals with secure attachment styles atomic number 18 not typically concerned with rejection from a partner and they tend to be comfortable in randyly fast relationships (Rodriguez & Ritchie, 2009). Research has shown that when secure someones face conflict, they are likely to problem solve using strategies such as compromising and encouraging correlative discussion and constructive communication (Carnelley, Pietromonaco, & Jaffe, 1994 Riggs, 2010).Additionally, secure individuals have a decreased potential for depressive symptoms and a far lower risk for psychological disorders through disclose due date (Riggs, 2010). The questionnaire provided a realistic and accurate assessment of my natural tendencies in intimate and other relationships. Contributing Genetic and Environmental Factors I was endowed with good genes twain of my pa rents were calm, warm, loving people who had above average intelligence and the ability to think in progressive and effective ways. They were socially aware and had many friends and colleagues who respected and love them.I had a close to ideal family environment as a child my parents were particularly responsive to my of necessity and my opinions were always respected and valued. I was not ridiculed, mistreated, or abused, although I was held to high standards and was encouraged to behave appropriately and thoughtfully and to express my feelings in creative, honest, and constructive ways. Research indicates a correlation between archaean attachment development in childishness and the capacity to form close attachments in adulthood (Brandel, 2010 Reyome, 2010 Riggs, 2010).Sullivans developmental model placed critical immensity on interpersonal relationships and how children, and later adults, construct ways to maintain relationships within the family and with others (Brandell, 201 0). Because people have intrinsic psychological needs, they effect ways to fulfill them, and if the needs are not met by psychologically healthy interactions, less effective unhealthy means are implemented (Brandell, 2010 Rodriguez Ritchie, 2009). My childhood environment was conducive to psychological health and provided the emotional building blocks for future positive relationships.Affect on Cognitive and Social Development Research suggests that abuse during early childhood late affects an individuals future ability to bond with others, in effect, abuse influences social development (Reyome, 2010 Riggs, 2010). Furthermore, it may interfere with the individuals ability for emotional regulation, and may contribute to maladaptive emotional coping skills that may lead to psychological disorders (Riggs, 2010). Insecure individuals show a decreased ability for social learning processing, such as careful listening (Riggs, 2010).Compounded with decreased emotional regulation, malada ptive coping skills, and a propensity to psychological disorders, maltreatment in childhood has a tremendous impact on social development and the ability to engage effectively in relationships in general (Brandell, 2010 Carnelley, Pietromonaco, Jaffe, 1994 Riggs, 2010). In early childhood, children create norms and develop expectations according to the quality with which their needs are met, usually by the mother (Brandell, 2010).These norms and expectations are the templates by which individuals relate to others throughout their lives (Brandell, 2010 Reyome, 2010). When a mistreated individual consistently distorts self-perceptions and inaccurately interprets the behavior of others as threatening, they may engage in retaliatory behavior (Riggs, 2010). As previously mentioned, I was raised in a warm, wholesome family environment in which personal expression was expected, valued, and appreciated. I grew p believing and experiencing that the most valuable relationships are the intima te ones I have with family and close friends. They are the safe harbors that naturally ameliorate the challenges of life. I developed highly positive expectations about intimacy, and my needs were mostly addressed. Because I learned that close relationships are safe, I perceive them accurately and as a non-threatening component of life. The pleasure I derive from close relationships has diffusely permeated my relationships in general, and I seek out and appreciate some level of intimacy in all of my relationships.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Opium As A Chinese Saga Essay

The Lure That Was chinaware Amidst it all in all, she withstood the grandeur of her civilization and past, her legacy and mystique, her people and culture mainland China is the ever yearned for apprise of colonization of commercializedism of travelers of yore and hitherto for she has everything to be proud of in any given time. She has achievements, inventions, products, people, craft, art, inert knowledge, philosophies, grace so with her natural resources. Up until the end of the seventeenth coke, China and her people and their life was as they preferred it to be.Then the West was utterly impetuous to indulge China to comprehensive cope. China has most fine exportable products porcelain, silk, tea leaf. The West love to consent them. However, there is nonhing much that the Chinese need from the West nor find of any use. Specifically Great Britian, europium could not allow an imbalance trade. So, in 1793, Britain sent a diplomat and successfully was given an Imperial au dience. The array of European products presented was wonderful and would be desirable for the balancing of trade that must be established between Europe, between Britain and China.It was a disappointment. The Emperor wrote King George . . . As your Ambassador can see for himself, we make all things. I score no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for your countrys manufactures. . . Our Celestial conglomerate possesses all things in prolific abundance and lacks no product within its own borders. There was therefore no need to import the manufactures of outside barbarians in exchange for our own produce.But as the tea, silk and porcelain which the Celestial Empire produces, are absolute necessities to European nations and to yourselves, we have permitted, as a signal mark of favour, that abroad hongs merchant firms should be established at billet, so that your fatalitys might be supplied and your country thus exposeicipate in our beneficence. (Historywiz, 199 9-2005) And the problem began. China Sets A Foothold As the West expressed its agitation about such imbalance of trade, China thenon closed its doors from trade. It isolated itself. It allowed selective foreign trade only via the City of Canton (now Guangzhou).The Europeans could not do away with the Chinese goods. So their gold and silver salaried for what they want. It never flowed back to Europe because there was nothing that the Chinese want from Europe. What drove China to distance itself from Europe is because of the haughtiness the Europeans pursued with regards to trade. To this the Chinese is unaffected. For the Chinese, they are sufficient to themselves. Their confidence is a sense of superiority in their race. Their home(prenominal) trade is immensely rich on their own. China is a country, a nation, a people that is very big, very fruitful, very rich, very diversified in natural resources.Further more(prenominal), as Chinas interaction with the foreigners from that time made them wary. They felt intimidated and therefore became protective of itself. Thus, the isolation. Then, particularly the British, drew the gambit Opium. kindly Was Opium Supposed To Be Opium has been in China and its use for as far back as 12 centuries ago. The purpose was medicinal. It cured diarrhea. Up and until 17th century it was sparingly mixed with tobacco as a means of relaxation. It was said to have been introduced by the Arabs, then the Portuguese, the Dutch.It is one of the lesser portion of trade that China indulges in but placed under control. This is what the British saw to balance things out with China. But in 1729, when the foreign import was 200 chests, the Emperor Yung Ching issued the first base anti-opium edict, enacting severe penalties on the sale of opium and the opening of opium-smoking divans. The importation, however, continued to increase, and by 1790 it amounted to over 4,000 chests annually. In 1796 opium smoking was again prohibited, and in 1800 the importation of foreign opium was again say illegal.Opium was now contraband, but the fact had no effect on the quantity introduced into the country, which rose to 5,000 chests in 1820 16,000 chests in 1830 20,000 chests in 1838, and 70,000 chests in 1858. (La Motte) China therefore was appal with the increasing use of opium by its people. It decreed a complete prohibition of its trade. Yet, the addiction that the Chinese evolved into towards the dose, encourage Western traders to penetrate China. On top of this the Chinese empire is facing corruption and fraud in its government. Bureaucracy is becoming inefficient and weak emperors are no longer qualified to face the problems.No matter what laws and penalties are imposed on the trade and use of opium, it fell on deaf ears. The profits were too much for electron tube Chinese traders not to connive with Western exporting traders. The balance of trade is deteriorating and China was awakening to the scourge. In 1839 the Emperor ordered Commissioner Lin Tse-Hsu to put a stop to the opium trade. Lin wrote to Queen Victoria, appeal to the British sense of justice and compassion We have heard that in your own country opium is prohibited with the utmost strictness and severitythis is a untroubled proof that you know full well how hurtful it is to macrocosm.Since then you do not permit it to injure your own country, you ought not to have the injurious drug transferred to another country, and above all others, how much less to the Inner Land Of the products which China exports to your foreign countries, there is not one which is not beneficial to mankind in some shape or other. There are those which serve for food, those which are useful, and those which are calculated for re-sale but all are beneficial. Has China (we should like to ask) ever yet sent forth a noxious article from its soil? He received no reply.Left on his own to run the problem, Lin ordered the decease of a large supply of opium stored on Chinese soil. (HistoryWiz, 1999-2005) Then, the two opium wars ensued. China lost. Effects of Loss Moral Effects All because of construe and obstinacy about how to balance trade, China had to experience a acquittance not just in terms of economics more importantly the destruction of their moral fibre. The imbalance is not only in trade but waging conflict towards strengths and weaknesses, superiority and pride. The unknowing Chinese at the end was the one who paid the bigger price because of an addiction he likewise unknowingly developed.Because of the lure of the profits, even the Chinese himself pitted against his own countrymans destruction of his morality. aft(prenominal) so many years of demoralization due to the tremendous addiction of the Chinese and the usurping profiteering of the scrupulous Chinese and foreign businessmen, China for once and for all to function itself unanimously to kick the habit. The emperor ordered that in ten years no more opium traffic will be al lowed. No matter that China has tremendous distances as a vast land no matter that have no viable means of telecommunication no matter that they have very few learned people they all decided to attempt rid of opium.The West agreed to cooperate with China to lift them from their moral duress of drug addiction. Economic Effects As a turning point in the life of China as a nation and a people, its loss counted likewise the diminishing territorial rights it holds. China then had to sign the treaties of Nanjing and Tietsin in surrender and allowed its doors again to international trade. As foreign trade was pursued, Western merchants bought silk and tea from China, increasing the volume remarkably as years went by. Because of this, Chinese farmers opted to abandon producing food stuff and concentrated on silk and tea.Thus food prices skyrocketed. With five more ports opened, the former boatmen who worked in Canton ports met with unemployment. Aggravated by rising food prices, the unem ployed became more miserable. It is not all glory with increased trade. The instant revival of trade volumes caused a shortage in Spanish silver dollars. It has to be abolished due to its uncontrollable appreciation and was replaced by the Mexican dollars. There are too imbalances in the local currencies. Copper cash depreciated because of inadequate supply of copper and the inefficient government.This is a total destruction of the financial systems of China and they were left with the asylum of paper money in 1853. Another commercial activity affected after the loss to the opium war was the textile industry. Cloths are produced by hand in China. The West brought in cheap machine made cloths. That killed local production. And then there is the basic agriculture and home grown industries that were affected by the changes in other commercial activities. Capitalism surged into Chinas consciousness and yet China was not ready for the big time game of capitalism. They were not that s exual about managing profit and loss.Sociological Effects With the shameful loss from the opium war, the Chinese lost faith in the superiority of their race. They came to recognize the superiority of the Westerns. They decided to get to know them and their ways. The Chinese decided to discover the political, social and technological know-how of the Western culture. Thus, they came to know and open up to what diplomacy and foreign relations are all about. Political Effects Since the loss of China was due to the superiority of the Western armaments, China looked into the advancement of their military and armory. They opened modern factories for modern weapons to be produced.The factories were set not to make money but for purposes of the development of Chinese military. The opium war likewise revealed the ineffectiveness of the feudal system. Its Manchu government became incapable of protecting and governing the citizenry. want prevailed petty revolution ensued the economy collapsed. The Chinese intellectuals rose up to the occasion and likewise looked into re-organizing its government an dpolitics. Conclusion Chinas quagmire in opium was not a show of the total weakness on the part of its people, but rather insufficiency of appropriate support.For not knowing any better, they indulged because it was available. The inherent ethnical perspective and philosophies are quite strong yet it was limited to the features of their time. Modern circumstances that come along their way are not something they are rightfully prepared for. Education and information was not present at that time. Coupled with this shortcoming of the pertinent period of time, the West was incessant in its colonization and commercial and capitalist activities. At that period of time, the West sees itself as the lord and master of the whole world.What they occupy and spread must be taken hook, line and sinker. The trade objectives of the West were very encompassing, so with the rest of their occup ation strategies. If the West was morally short sighted in instigating addiction among the Chinese people and the infiltration and condoning of underground Chinese business man with the lure of profit in the opium trade then the Opium War is something that it is not a laurel to have won. And on the part of China, the opium war and rising above its ashes might have been a blessing in disguise. For what China is now in this 21st century is a ending of lessons learned.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Rationale †Antigone Essay

For our scripted piece we officed a scene from Antigone. primitively written by Greek author, Sophocles about 2500 years ago, it was re-written by a French author called Jean Anouilh rough the time of WWII. Anouilhs intensions differed from that of Sophocles due to the remainder in time periods in the later version, Antigone represents the French resistance against the Nazi occupation. As it was written during WWII it took a long time for the Nazis to allow it to go onstage because of what Antigone represented.The reason they let it be performed was down to the subject Creon, the king of Thebes. In the scene between him and Antigone, the Nazis thought the dialogue represented a point of mickle that was for a dictatorial society. Antigone tells the trading floor of a girl, whose brothers fought over the throne, both brothers met their end, introducing a al-Qaeda of death due to rivalry and jealousy. Eteocles, the brother who had the throne at the time, was effrontery a proper burial, whereas Polynices, who was seen as the enemy, was left outside and refused a burial.Everyone in the city of Thebes was told by the new king, Creon, that anyone who attempted to bury Polynices would be put to death, creating the theme of loyalty. Antigone is adamant that Polynices should be given a burial and takes matters into her own hands, she sneaks out of the palace in the middle of the night and covers Polynices body over with dirt. Polynices is then uncover by the Guard. Antigone finds out and again, attempts to cover over Polynices. This time she is discovered by the Guard and is taken to Creon. As Antigone is the former kings daughter, Creon is hesitant when gravid her, and offers a way out.But Antigone is not ashamed of what she has done and is determined to be punished for her crime. At the end of the play Antigone is put in sabotage by the Guard and left there to die. We chose this play as it contains many a(prenominal) themes, such as drive in, pride, anger , and loyalty. Also I liked the history behind the play, the story that wasnt include within the script. The life of Oedipus, Antigones father, the prophecy that he heard and how he married his mother and as a result had four children. I liked it because it was unusual, complex and difficult to fully understand.One moral I pretend Antigone portrays quite well is that you should always stand up for what you look at in and what you think is right. It shows this through Antigones character and the fact that she is so headstrong and certain of what she wants. Also an issue that is portrayed throughout the play is that love is a very strong emotion and can overcome many situations, this is shown by the relationships between Antigone and her sister Ismeme, Antigone and her nurse and Antigone and her fiance Haemon. My chosen scene included Antigone and value, who was trying to find out where Antigone had been in the night.It was the opening scene of the play and was very powerful as it introduced the character of Antigone and the relationship she has with Nurse. I played Nurse and my partner, Frances, played Antigone. I chose to play Nurse because she tries many different ways to get Antigone to tell her where she has been. She tries to make Antigone feel guilty, by saying You half down yourself to bring them up, and theyre all the same. She in addition gets angry with Antigone, this is evident when she says do you k at one time what I ought to do? I ought to give you a good spanking, vertical like when you were a little girl. Another tactic she employs is that of trying to make Antigone feel sympathetic towards her by saying What would your mother say if she were here now? You silly old fool, shed say. So you couldnt keep my little girl virtuous for me? I knew that these tactics would enable me to change the tone of my vocalize throughout the performance and use a variety of space. By playing Nurse I intended to portray the relationship that Antigone and N urse possessed. I also wanted to improve on my interaction as an actor and by playing this part it enabled me to build on what I was already capable of.When I first read the scene I imagined the two characters in a grand bedroom that had a very old fashioned interior, such as what one would expect to see in a stately home. A room that was quite cluttered with elaborate ornaments and decorative pieces. Obviously this would be tough to create on a small stage and also it would restrict the amount of space that was available for moving in. Devised-Behind the Face Our devised piece was based on many themes taken from Antigone, such as loyalty, cruelty and pride but the main theme was anger.I chose to base it upon anger because there are many different ways to portray it and there are lots of different ways of dealing with it. This gave me a wide range of options to choose from when devising the piece. I researched anger and its causes and came up with many different results, for instan ce There are three different types of anger Rage Rage is the expression of violent, rampant anger. Rage is an outward expression of anger and can result in a visible, often destructive, explosion.Resentment Resentment is the feeling of anger directed towards a person or object which is suppressed and kept inside. It is a feeling which smoulders and feels uncomfortable, and can possibly create more physiological and psychological damage. peevishness Indignation is regarded as an appropriate, controlled, positive type of anger. When writing my devised piece I wanted to put across that you should let out your anger and stand up for what you think is right so I decided on a story line that contained a young girl (Harriett) who knew what she wanted but was too panic-struck to stand up for herself.This resulted in her becoming angry internally, but she was unable to let go of her anger and express herself. So I created another character that only she could hear. This character was t he internal anger that Harriett was feeling, and tried to make her see that she had to let go of her anger and stand up for herself rather than being pushed around by everyone else because she was an easy target. I chose to play an emotion instead of a person because I wanted to portray the differences between each aspect of the emotion.I wanted to create three sections on the stage so we werent just using a small part of it, however still allowing for use of most of the space available. I also wanted to create a strange atmosphere, one that makes the audience feel uncomfortable, so they could relate to Harrietts feelings. I wanted the tempo to vary too, as I wanted Harrietts character to be quiet and subdued, and the character that played her anger to be loud, affright and patronising. I also wanted the rhythms to alternate to make the piece more interesting for the audience.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Test Bank for Cost Management Essay

Answers1. A.Competence, confidentiality, integrity, and relevance. Given 2. B. Competence, confidentiality, integrity, and credibility. 3. C. Competence, confidentiality, independence, and objectivity. 4. D. Competence, accuracy, integrity, and independence.According to the IMA Code of Ethics, what should a management accountant do if a significant ethical situation cant be re put to workd? incision IncorrectAnswers1. A.The accountant should confront the guilty party and pauperization the unethical action be stopped. 2. B. The accountant should try to rationalize and understand the position of the other party. 3. C. The accountant should say nothing about the matter until he or she has retired. 4. D. The accountant should first discuss the matter with the immediate supervisor. The dodge map is a tool that is usedMark IncorrectAnswers1. one of the find aspects of the contemporary management environment 2. B. to enhance the sustainability of the organization3. C. to link the perspectives of the balanced scorecard4. D. to organize the unfavorable success factors of a caller5. E. to implement strategyWhich of the undermentioned is the primary user of management taradiddle information regarding lineage units? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A. Company management.2. B. Investors.3. C. Creditors.4. D. Industry and governmental organizations.When managers produce value for the customer, their orientation course consists of all the following except Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Quality and Service.2. B. Timeliness of delivery.3. C. The ability to respond to the customers desire for specific features. 4. D. State of the art manufacturing facilities.If a theatre decided to reevaluate and reorganize the commission it did transmission line, in hopes of creating matched advantage, by changing or decreasing jobs, the company would be using which of the following management technique? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.The value chain.2. B. Business intelligence.3. C. Busi ness process improvement.4. D. Product reevaluation.5. E. Life cycle costing.Which of the following is not considered part of the ground of Management Accountants definition of management accounting? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Partnering in management decision making.2. B. Devising planning and performance management systems.3. C. Gathering, summarizing, analyzing, and providing information. 4. D. Providing expertise in financial reporting and control. 5. E. Assisting management in the formulation and executing of an organizations strategy. The difference between wholesalers and retailers isMark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Wholesalers are merchandisers that treat today to customers whereas retailers are merchandisers that sell to other merchandisers. 2. B. Wholesalers are merchandisers that sell to other merchandisers whereas retailers are merchandisers that sell directly to consumers. 3. C. Wholesalers are merchandisers that sell directly to the government whereasretailers are mercha ndisers that sell to other merchandisers. 4. D. Wholesalers are merchandisers that sell directly to customers whereas retailers are merchandisers that sell directly to the government. 5. E. There is no difference between wholesalers and retailers. Cost management has moved from a traditional role of increase costing and operational control to a broader strategic revolve around, which places an emphasis on Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Competitive pricing.2. B. Domestic market.3. C. Short-term thinking.4. D. strategic thinking.5. E. Independent judgment.Target costingMark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Determines cost based on an expected market demand for the product.2. B. Determines cost based on a budget.3. C. Determines cost based on standard cost.4. D. Determines cost based upon market price and desired profit. Cost management information typically is the responsibility of the Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Chief Financial Officer.2. B. Controller.3. C. Treasurer.4. D. Chief Information Offi cer.A practical example of when the theory of constraints would not be an appropriate management technique to use would be Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Long lines at checkout stands.2. B. Busy signals on Internet server sites.3. C. One critical production process provides 60 parts/min. output, compared with a company-wide output of 90 parts/min. 4. D. Balanced, fast flow of product through the plant.A companys management accountant is trying to improve the way costs are allocated within the company. Currently, several corporate expenses are grouped together and labeled overhead. If the accountant wanted to use activity-based costing (ABC) to help solve the problem, what should she do? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A. She should try to map the departments costs to their cost objects, and then charge each department based on those cost relationships. 2. B. She should seek how the companys competitors are allocating their costs, and then implement one of those strategies. 3. C. She should lo ok for bottlenecks within the production process, and try to eliminate them, thus reducing costs. 4. D. She should examine the firms value chain and apply target costing before adopting ABC. Which of the following is not a contemporary management technique used by the management accountant to respond to the changing business environment? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A. initiative risk management2. B. Lean manufacturing3. C. Life cycle costing4. D. Enterprise sustainabilityCorporate management is required to identify and solve problems from a cross-functional view. Instead of viewing a problem as related to a specific business function, management solves these problems by combining skills from different functions simultaneously. This approach is called Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Inclusive approach.2. B. Integrative approach.3. C. Intra-function approach.4. D. Multilateral approach.Strategic management can be defined as the development of a sustainable Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Chain of command.2. B. Competitive position.3. C. Cash flow.4. D. Business entity.5. E. Company image.Which of the following does not represent a main focus of cost management information? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Strategic management.2. B. Performance measurement.3. C. Planning and decision making.4. D. Preparation of financial statements.5. E. Internal auditing and control.In keeping with the current crook of increased strategic planning, how have management accountants neuterd their use of life-cycle costing? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.They have now shifted their focus from R&D costs to marketing and promotion costs. 2. B. They have turned from a sole focus on manufacturing costs to a much wider outlook, taking into account costs from the entire product lifecycle. 3. C. They stopped looking at the entire life-cycle, and now focus their attention on product design costs. 4. D. Accountants dont use life-cycle costing, that task is left over(p) for the operations manager. Which of the f ollowing professional certificates is considered to be the most relevant for dealing with cost management issues? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.The CPA, which is monitored differently for each state in the U.S. 2. B. The CMA, which is administered through the Institute of Management Accountants. 3. C. The CFA, since its program focuses on the broadest range of topics and responsibilities for financial analysis. 4. D. The CPA, CMA, and CFA are viewed as equally relevant, since all three require an exam, as comfortably as specific background and experience requirements. In a local factory, employees are rewarded for finding new and better ways of changing the way they work. This company is motivating its employees to use what managementtechnique? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Benchmarking.2. B. Activity-Based Costing.3. C. Theory of Constraints.4. D. Continuous Improvement.5. E. Total Quality Management.All of the following are examples of total caliber management practices except Mark I ncorrectAnswers1. A.Redesign of a product to reduce its parts by 50 percent. 2. B. Reduction in the movement required in a manufacturing job. 3. C. Separating the sales and services functions.4. D. Raising raw material quality standards.5. E. Cross-training assembly line workers to cover sick leave absences. Which of the following aspects of the contemporary business environment involves using statistical methods such as regression or correlation analysis to predict consumer behavior, to measure customer satisfaction, or to develop models for background signal prices, among other uses? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A. Business Intelligence2. B. Target Costing3. C. Life Cycle Costing4. D. Benchmarking5. E. Business Process ImprovementManagement accounting information plays a critical role in all of the following management functions except Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Profit planning.2. B. Executive compensation.3. C. Planning and decision making.4. D. Hiring a new CFO.5. E. Preparing fina ncial statements for the SEC.The five steps for strategic decision making include all of the following except Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Identify the alternative actions2. B. Gather, summarize, and report accounting information3. C. Determine the strategic issues surrounding the problem 4. D. Choose and implement the desired alternative5. E. Provide an ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation A local area consulting firm is trying to increase the long-term strategic focus of its company reports. Therefore, the firm has decided to use the balanced scorecard. What face of new information that the company currently doesnt use in its financial reports, should the company include? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A. Non-financial information, including customer satisfaction, innovation, etc. 2. B. additive financial information, such as profitability measures and market value. 3. C. Product life cycle information.4. D. Supplemental accounting reports.Which of the following is not a major change in the business environment that has affected the way many companies think about conducting business? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.An increased focus on the customer, peculiarly their opinions about functionality and quality. 2. B. A growing emphasis on globalization new markets for products and new competitors. 3. C. A larger number of companies are starting to use in advance(p) information technologies, such as business intelligence. 4. D. The development of improved cost management methods.Which of the following aspects of a company would not be considered a critical success factor, for a company that competes on differentiation? Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Cutting edge research and development.2. B. Excellent customer service.3. C. Award-winning product quality.4. D. Continually lace competitors to the market with new, innovative products.5. E. High level of production efficiency.Target costing determines the desired cost for a product upon the basis of a giv en competitive price such that the product will Mark IncorrectAnswers1. A.Earn at least a small profit.2. B. Earn a desired profit.3. C. Earn the maximal profit.4. D. Break even.5. E. Sell the highest volume.Read more http//

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Fashion Cycle

What is the excogitate cycle? panache cycle a period of time or life orthodontic braces during which the stylus exists, moving through the five stages from introduction through obsolescence. When a customer purchases and communicate outs a certain style, that style is considered accepted. The acceptance leads to the style becoming a fashion Fashions do not al shipway survive from year to year GOAL The ability to gauge the time ancestryss or occurrence at the even out time, of a fashion is critical in the development and marketing of fashion products. points of the Fashion Cycle Fashion moves through different stages during its cycle of existence.Not only bearing merely special features also go through a cycle such as color, texture, and fabric Introduction Stage Designs first previewed during fashion weeks at the major introduction centers New styles, colors, or textures atomic number 18 introduced begin an upward slope Limited number of people accept them Fashion lea ders wear the styles Offered at high prices and produced in small quantities. Rise Stage Manufacturers who copy house decorator clothes will reproduce the styles as app atomic number 18l that costs less(prenominal) by using less expensive fabrics or minimal detail. In the initial incline, fashions atomic number 18 accepted by more people because they derriere endure hem. jackpot Production reduces the price of the fashion, and more sales result Peak Stage Top of the hill Fashion is at its most popular and accepted stage. Mass production but prices ar not necessarily low, prices vary at this stage It ground feed survive longer if the fashion becomes a classic. Updating or adding new details of instauration, color, or texture to the discover can hang on it in the peak stage. Decline Stage Consumer demand is decreasing, going worst the slope. Fashion items available puzzle saturated the market. People do not want to pay a high price. Fashion retailers mark down the rice of merchandise.Obsolescence Stage The end of the fashion cycle, the bottom of the hill Consumers argon no longer interested in the fashion and find new looks. Price of the fashion product may be low at this point, but consumers may not buy the product. Fashion-cycle Life Span All fashions follow the life-cycle pattern, but it varies with each fashion. real difficult for fashion marketers to predict the life span The length of time is determined by the consumers willingness to accept the fashion. Fashion Movement Fashion movement the on-going motion of fashions moving through the cushion cycle.Economic and social factors influence consumer interest in fashion. New fibers and fabrics Advertising techniques can cause consumers to change in fashion. cypher Fashion for Bargain Hunters cipher home runs include Joe Fresh, Walter, and Sellers, as well as Maroons and Old Navy. These stores expect done a good Job of challenging the fashion cycle and offer fashion that would be classified more at the peak area of the cycle. However, before Jumping into a budget buy keep in mind the quality aspect, budget items arent always made of the nicest fabrics or constructed ell, so dont buy anything budget that you want to last.Moderate Fashion for the Masses Moderate fall under the beginning of the name brand category, stores that offer at the Moderate price point have seemed to explode on the scene recently, possibly in an attempt to appeal to a wider market. This category is a little harder to define and usually includes stores like the Gap, RAW & Co, and Smart Set They carry fashion that is openhearted to a mass market, they feature fashions in the peak scratch and basics. The quality in this category improves somewhat but not greatly from some of the Budget lines.These stores are definitely popular as they are affordable to a wide variety of consumers, and dont come with the stigma of being a budget retailer. dampen Merchandise for the Brand-conscious Better merchandi se falls into the peak section of the fashion cycle but can also be found in the fashion forward Rise section items here are beginning to enter higher(prenominal) fashion. Garments are constructed with more natural fibers, more attention has been paid to the fit, and snip details like buttons, beads, and special stitching are of a better quality. bank bills of this nature pour ore money into advertising and have a high hold dear for brand identity, lines like Lactose, Jones New York and Lucky Brand Shares fall into this category. People spend money on these lines based on a mixture of brand loyalty and prestige, they have cost the consumer a more than average amount of money for the item and the tag says it all. link up Apparel for Lovers of Contemporary Designer Labels Bridge apparel is another booming section of the fashion industry it is the attainable designer merchandise that keeps on trend.Usually provide the quality, style and cut of a designer item without the couture pri ce tag. This fashion includes designer merchandise that couture labels have created in the form of secondary lines which mimic their current collections at a smaller price, by way of using less expensive materials and add ones. Lines of this category include Marc By Marc Jacobs, DENY, Ralph Lauren Classics, and Perry Ellis Portfolio.Other designers who dont produce couture can also fit into this category, they directly produce garments to the requirements of this section and they include labels like lisle, By Malone Berger, and Tara Jargon. These designers can be classified as Contemporary their lines are not serially categorized by their price point but by their fashion forward nature. This class of fashion is aimed at women who are style conscious and are looking for high quality apparel present-day(a) lines are a combination of classic and trend making them wearable for years to come.Quality is still a priority in these lines, and the cut of the garment is at its best form in te rms of standard sizing. Silhouettes, color palettes and general styling reflect their couture counterparts in these collections and while they may not be the original couture pieces, they are more functional and wearable for e rattlingday life. Designer Haute Couture Fashion the Creme De la Creme Designer Couture is every womans dream it comes with a certain prestige due to its check availability and the limited amount of people who can afford it.Designer merchandise is carefully constructed of the finest materials and provides the wearer with a custom fitted, high quality investment garment that is certainly to last them a lifetime (providing they dont fluctuate in size). However these pieces come with a hefty price tag that can soar upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and maintaining a constant body size for the rest of your life is an almost impossible task. Designers of this category include YES, Christian Dior, Christian Laconic, and Viviane Westwood to name a few.S o realistically we can admire their designs from afar and wait until the trickle down effect takes over the ready to wear collections. Leading the Fashion Way Fashion leaders the trendsetters, or individuals who are the first to wear new styles, after which the fashion is adopted by the general public. May be high profile people who get media attention. Used to be royalty or the very wealthy, but now they are media celebrities. Theories of FashionMovement Trickle-Down Theory Trickle-Up Theory Trickle-Across Theory Each theory focuses on a different set of fashion leaders Trickle-Down Theory A hypothesis that states the movement of fashion starts at the top with consumers of higher socioeconomic status and moves down to the general public. The oldest and most accepted theory of fashion change Trickle-Up Theory A hypothesis that states the movement of fashion starts with consumers on lower-income levels ad then moves to consumers with higher incomes. Athletic Apparel Style during th e sass and sass Hair Style Beetles, Punk StyleTrickle-Across Theory A hypothesis stating that fashion acceptance begins among some(prenominal) socioeconomic classes at the aforementioned(prenominal) time, because there are fashion leaders in all groups. Elements of Design When you describe something you see, you use linguistic process that tell about the lines, traffic patterns, colors, textures, and spaces. Line Lines can be horizontal, vertical, dotted, gig-gag, curved, straight, diagonal, bold, or fine. Lines can show direction, lead the eye, outline an object, divide a space, and communicate a feeling or emotion. Shape Shapes are made by connecting lines. Circle, square, triangle, and freedom are words used to identify shapes.Look at the objects around you and describe their basic shapes. Are they one shape, or are they a combination of many shapes? After doing this several times, you will begin to understand what shape really is. Line creates two dimensional or mat shapes . When shapes are three dimensional, we call them forms. A circle is a shape a ball is a form. A square is a shape a cube is a form. A drawing is a flat shape a sculpture is a three-dimensional form. Color Color is described with the words change, value, and intensity. Hue refers to the name of the color?red or blue, for example. Value tells the lightness or darkness of a hue.Intensity refers to the brightness or dullness of a hue. You can use a color wheel and learn how colors work together. Texture Texture is the surface quality of an item. Its how something feels when touched, or looks like it would feel if touched. sand is rough. Velvet is smooth. A drawing of a tree stump could show rough outer bark and a smooth inner surface. Search for ways to add texture to your projects. Texture adds variety and interest. Space Space refers to the area that a shape or form occupies. It also refers to the background against which we see the shape or form. Space can be defined as positive a nd negative.The positive space of a design is the filled space in the design?often it is the shapes that make up the design. Negative space is the background. The negative space in design is as important as the positive area. pulse You have felt rhythm in music. Rhythm is also a part of things you see. It allows the eye to move from one part of a design to another part. Rhythm can be created by Repeating a color, shape, texture, line, or space when designing. Varying the size of objects, shapes, or lines in sequence (small to large). Using a growth of colors from tints to shades (light blue to dark lull). Shifting from one hue to a neighboring hue (yellow to yellow-orange to orange to red-orange to red). Principles of Design Some combinations of design elements (line, shape, color, texture, and space) work better than others. Here are some guidelines to help you understand why some combinations work and others do not work as well. These guidelines?rhythm, proportion, emphasis, ba lance, and unity? are the principles of design. Proportion Proportion refers to the kinship between one part of a design and another part or to the whole design. It is a comparison of sizes, shapes, and quantities.For example, the relationship between the vertical and horizontal measurements of a wall hanging may be pleasing because the unequal lengths produce an interesting contrast. Emphasis Every design needs an accent?a point of interest. Emphasis is the quality that draws your attention to a certain part of a design first. There are several ways to create emphasis Use a contrasting color. Use a different or unusual line. Make a shape very large or very small. Use a different shape. Use plain background space. Balance Balance gives a feeling of stability. There are three types of balance.Symmetrical, or formal balance, is the simplest kind. An item that is symmetrically balanced is the same on both sides. Our bodies are an example of formal balance. If you draw an imaginary lin e from your head to your toes dividing your body in half, you will be pretty much the same on both sides. Designs that have a radial balance have a center point. A tire, pizza, and a daisy flower are all examples of design with radial balance. When you look through a kaleidoscope, everything you see has a radial balance. Asymmetrical balance creates a feeling of equal weight on both sides, even though the sides do not look the same.Asymmetrical designs also are called informal designs because they suggest movement and spontaneity. Asymmetrical balance is the hardest type of balance to achieve and often takes experimenting or moving elements around until balance is achieved. Unity When things look right together, you have created unity or harmony. Lines and shapes that repeat each other show unity (curved lines with curved shapes). Colors that have a common hue are harmonious. Textures that have a similar feel add to unity. But too much uniformity sometimes can be boring. At the same time, too much variety destroys unity.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Written and Unwritten Constitutions

Identify and discuss the advantages and single outs of compose and unwritten types of personalitys. A brass is a remains of fundamental principles or constituted precedents according to which a state or organization is g everyplacened, especially when embodying the rights of subjects. A constitution sets out how all the elements of G everywherenment ar organized and how reason is carved up among various semipolitical units. It contains rules about what position is wielded, who wields it and over whom it is wielded in the governing of a country.As a kind of band or contract between those in power and those who are subjected to this power, a constitution defines the rights and duties of citizens and the devices that keep those in power in check. A constitution is the arrogant law of the land in whatever given country and no other law may conflict with it, nor may the government do anything that violates it. Constitutions follow as national and regional. Two types of na tional constitutions that exist are the written (codified) constitution and the unwritten (uncodified) constitution.Countries like the United Kingdom, Israel and New Zealand possess the unwritten constitution while countries like India, United States and states of the Commonwealth Caribbean possess the written constitution. A written constitution is unrivaled that is contained in a single document which is the single source of entire law in a state. Written constitutions are often the intersection point of some dramatic political change such as a revolution as was the case of America and the gaining of independence by the Commonwealth Caribbean countries from Britain.The process by which a country adopts a constitution is most tied to the historical and political context driving these fundamental changes. The legitimacy and longevity of codified constitutions energise often been tied to the process by which they were ab initio adopted. States that have codified constitutions normally give the constitution supremacy over ordinary statute law. Unwritten constitutions are the product of an evolution of laws and conventions over centuries. thither are advantages and injustices to both types of constitutions.Major principle and key underlying aliment are entrenched, safeguarding them from intervention by the authorities of the day. An entrenched constitution cannot be altered in any way by a legislature as part of its normal business concerning ordinary statutory laws. The strongest level of entrenchment exist in those constitutions that state that some of the most fundamental principles are absolute, i. e. certain articles may not be amended under any circumstances. For example the German federal official Constitution which states that serviceman dignity on the basis of human rights is protected.The fundamental rights or the right to life are sketch. The Bill of Rights are clearly outlines which deals with rights to equality, human dignity, life, priv acy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and expression, labour relations, education, children and legal process. A Bill of Rights place limitations on the Government and creates an area of freedom for the people. Individual liberty is to a greater extent securely protected and authorative Government is kept at bay. The Government is straight jacketed, so absolute power cannot be the norm of the government.The Constitution is supreme over ordinary statute law. If there is any conflict between a legal statute and the constitution, all or part of the statute are say ultra vires by a court, and struck down as un inherent. The constitution of the United States had many unforeseen shortcomings which the Founding Fathers could not have envisioned over two hundred years ago. These had to be patched through amendments, but have been honoured by Governments, and no dictatorship has been able to take hold of it.The face-to-face effect of this was seen with the constitution of Argentina written many years after in 1853 and was a better document, but did not pr until nowt a sequence of dictatorial Governments from ignoring it, such as the Perons Military Government which ignored the fundamental rights of the people. In Argentina a state of emergency was declared 52 times to bypass complete guarantees. Non political adjudicate are able to police the constitution to ensure that its provisions are upheld by other popular bodies.The judiciary is unique in that it is not elected, but it is independent. Judges in Trinidad and Tobago and the rest of the Commonwealth Caribbean are appointed by the various Judicial and sound Service Commissions. As a endpoint no one, especially a corrupt politician can interfere in the work of the constitutional courts. The constitution is protected by the legal bodies of the courts, such as the Supreme greet, the Constitutional Courts or the High Courts of the various countries. The responsibility of the court is to protect constituti onally established rights and freedom.Any constitutional violation by the administrator, such as a politician who abuses the power of his established office can be held accountable in court. This was perspicuous in Trinidad and Tobago, where many felt that the last Prime Minister, Patrick Manning abused the powers of his office, and on many occasions was taken to court for judicial review. The German Constitutional Court is a special court dedicated solely to the breastplate of the constitution. Constitutional courts are powerful instruments of judicial review with the power to declare unconstitutional a law that is deemed incompatible with the constitution.France has a Constitutional Council which judges the constitutionality of laws before the ratification process. The power of the legislature is constrained, cutting its sovereignty down to size. A crucial modus operandi of a constitution and a classic feature of democracy is the division of power among the three pillars of Go vernment, i. e. the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. The legislature makes laws and monitors the executive. The executive makes policy, proposes laws and implements laws passed by the legislatures and the judiciary tries cases and disseminate justice.Each arm of the state keeps watch over the powers of the other. The courts can judge the actions of the legislature and the executive but cannot pass laws. The legislature can make laws but cannot ease up down judgments or take executive action. The challenge is to ensure that the executives do not wield its authority without being contained by the other branches. Division of power in this way ensures checks and balances within the system in a country. Lord Actions assumption was, power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.The engrossment of all power into the hands of one respective(prenominal) or group places them in a position to abuse that power and thus to instill headache into the common man, hence the nee d for the doctrine of the separation of powers in a democracy. The written document has an educational value in that it highlights the central values and boilersuit goals of the political system. The ceremonial preamble of the Trinidad and Tobagos constitution makes reference to the supremacy of God, fundamental human rights and freedoms. The American constitution also draws reference to God.The constitution of the commonwealth of South Africa 1996 which is called the birth certificate of a revolutionary South Africa states the hopes and aspirations of the nation torn apart by apartheid. This preamble recognizes the injustices of the past and honours those who suffered for injustices and freedom and extol for those who work to develop the country and believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in diversity. matchless disadvantage of the written constitution is that it is much rigid and may therefore be less responsive and adaptable than an unwritten one.It i s the view of many politicians and academics globally that a constitution should grow with the fiat in keeping with that particular time in the historical development of the country. This type of constitution does not allow for a great amount of ingrained change over time and does not easily take into account the needs of the democratic system and the people. A majority is needed in fantan to attempt any kind of modification. The United States constitution is stuck with old provisions that people think are a bad idea, e. . the right to bear arm and the right to a jury trial in federal cases involving more than twenty dollars. After time most of these old provisions are ignored or never used in a modern society, since they are not relevant to the needs of the people. Last year the St. Vincent Government attempted constitutional reform, but needed a majority of seventy five percent of the voters in a referendum. The Government was not able to get this majority, so they are stuck wi thin the confines of their old constitution.Within the last couple of years the Peoples National Movement under the Prime Minister Patrick Manning, of Trinidad and Tobago attempted constitutional reform, but they did not have a majority in Parliament so they went about it in a different way. The draft proposed constitution was printed and widely distributed to citizens of the country so that their views were shared. Throughout the country there were public meetings and consultation with the people. The people were given a forum to express their desire or push back for the proposed constitutional document.There was also consultation with the leader of the opposition, because the support of the opposition was needed to make any kind of amendment to the proposed constitution. The second disadvantage of the written constitution is that Government power may be more effectively constrained by regular elections than by a constitutional document. In democratic countries, General Elections are held ever so often so that the people can decide who forms the next Government. In the United States, elections are held every four years, but a President cannot serve more than two terms, so he cannot run for office after his second term is up.This is another way to keep individual out of the Presidency for too long, like in some of the African countries where it is noted that Presidents who serve for more than twenty years or so, allow the power to go to their heads, and as a consequent use the constitution and the military to stay in power for an unlimited bout of years, which history has proven is wheezing for the development of those countries, since those countries have been plagued with civil war, unrest and economic problems. The third disadvantage is that constitutional supremacy resides with non elected judges rather than with public accountable politicians.By virtuousness a politician is accountable to the people and in a democratic country like Trinidad and Tobag o if one is not satisfied by a fraction of Parliament he can take action, as was the case when a Muslimeen member was disgruntled because his daughter could not attend a Catholic inculcate with her traditional Muslim garb. The gentleman went into the office of the Education Minister and demanded accountability. Others politicians are also asked to publicly account because in those cases the media intervene to voice the grievances of the people. However judges are not accountable to anyone for their actions, whether they are right or dead wrong.They are insulated from outside interference. Judges can be easily corrupted in cases where they have large debts or have vices that they need money to maintain. It is a common sight to see judges at exclusive casinos in Trinidad and Tobago. One of their hobbies is gambling, and it is well cognize that most gamblers are always in debt because the mathematical probability of all gambling games is designed for the players to lose most of the time. Once criminal elements know which judges are in debt, they can easily reach out financially to these judges, and of course for favors in return.In the past in Trinidad and Tobago judges took bribes in the form of money, land, houses, and luxurious estates in order to drop charges, throw out a case or find some legal technicality or loophole to dismiss a case. During the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s the well known drug dealer and killer Dole Chadee had every single one of his cases reject at the Princes Town Magistrates court, and it was the same judge who sat on those cases, because he was not accountable to anyone, not even the Prime Minister at the time.The Medellin Drug Cartel in Columbia controlled the drug trade in that country during the 1980s and they were untouched by politicians and law en blackmailment during their reign. Judges had to drop charges against any member of this Cartel if they ever went to court because the Cartel Bosses threaten the judges with violen ce and death. Because these judges had the power to drop these cases and were not accountable to any political directorate, they had no choice but to throw the cases out, else they and their families would have face executions by the drug cartel.The fourth disadvantage of a written constitution is that constitutional provisions are enshrined in customs and conventions and may be more widely respected because they have been endorsed by history and not invented or drawn up by humans On major advantage of the unwritten constitution is its flexibility and responsiveness to change. It is easily adapted to change and amendments. It is flexible and adaptable to different customs, and since the British population is more diverse now than ever with immigrants from all different societies, cultures and races, this is important.The laws have been flexible to allow Muslim men to have more than one wife in British society. The laborious process of amendment does not have to be do simply because a minor change in political practice. For example, if the minimum age to vote was to be changes from 18 to 17, in the United States, a formal amendment would take years any may even fail to happen for a number of years because of procedural reasons. Such a change in the United Kingdom could easily be done in a matter of hours.Therefore the unwritten constitution allows for a great amount of organic change over time, to easily take into account the ever-changing times and needs of the democratic system. It allows itself to be shaped by the needs of the people, adopting as required by circumstances. It is quite common for out of date or unworkable bits of laws to be discarded for new procedures and customs. Non written traditions and customs carry greater weight in the United Kingdom as oppose to the written constitution. The British people are extremely proud of their monarchy, their historical getments, their progressive democracy, their freedom and dignity.They are the worlds old est democracy and as a result the people are proud to respect the conventions and uphold law and order in society. The first major disadvantage of the unwritten constitution is that there is no single text that can be invoked and there is no definition of state powers and no limits except customs, meaning that whatever compromise is needed between current opinion and the Government sense of virtue may come into conflict. The British constitution exists in every single piece of statute law ever passed in Parliament.These also exist in common law, treaties with foreign powers, analysis and comments made by experts such as politicians and academia. Since the British constitution is the product of evolution of laws and conventions over centuries which include written source and e. g. constitutional statutes enacted by Parliament (House of Communities Act 1972, Human Rights Act 1998), and also unwritten sources such as constitutional conventions, observation of precedents, royal prerog atives, customs and traditions , such as always holding a General Election on Thursdays.Altogether these constitute the British constitutional Law. The other disadvantage is that only a select few can acquire such knowledge of the unwritten constitution since they are scattered crossways many documents. Thus it is only these select few who are able to interpret it and what is worrying is that these people might be the ones to connive in constitutional subversion. Most British people would struggle to put their hands on what their rights are or in which text they can locate these literature.So the responsibilities that goes with being British may never fully be understood by the average citizen because those rights are scattered across a host of different places. The next disadvantage is that delete and insert can be done on the constitution if by chance one day a written one is implemented. tiddler violations would go unnoticed because the average citizen is not aware of the vario us types of British laws. The Parliament could easily fox a written constitution to serve itself and executive members without the public ever being aware of this.Another disadvantage is that limits to state powers are not clearly expressed and this is of great concern to the knowledgeable people of British society. Parliament has unlimited law-making powers and there is no clear separation of powers among the three arms of the Government. Historically the United Kingdom has not had a definition of individual rights and freedoms. The 1689 Bill of Rights sets out the powers of the Parliament, but relies on the notion of residual freedom and the concept of parliamentary sovereignty.Therefore individual rights remained dependent on the ad hoc statutory protection or upon judicial protection under common law. The closest thing the United Kingdom has to a Bill of Rights is the Human Rights Act of 1998 which incorporates the European ruler of Human Rights 1950 into domestic law. The abil ity of ordinary people to challenge the actions of various institutions of Government is formally limited to the acts of public authority by section six.The new counter- terrorism measures appeared to erode civil liberties in the wake of the September 11th 2001 attack in New York, and the July 7th 2005 bombings of the subway in London. The last disadvantage is the question of British sovereignty. The entry of the United Kingdom into the European Union in 1973 was a major constitutional development, bringing Britain under the supranational legal power of the European Union in a limited number of areas, which has gradually grown over the years.This illustrates the erosion of the United Kingdom unfettered sovereignty. Well known British politicians over the years have commented publicly on this issue of Britain slowly losing its sovereignty. After World Was Two the American troops seized covert plans from the Germans that outlined another future attempt by to unify Europe under German rule, but this time without the use of war. It entailed the unification of Europe which Hitler wanted to achieve by use of force and the military, and the ultimate destruction of America.This information has been declassified within recent years. One has to question the diplomatic motives behind the driving force of the European Union and its acceptance of Britain into the Union, so Britain should seriously think about it sovereign erosion. Although there are differences between written and unwritten constitutions with respect to their advantages and disadvantages, one must carefully consider the usefulness of a constitution and its promotion of democracy and the rights and freedom of the people.We can see that although the United Kingdom does not have a written document, it is the oldest and one of the greatest democracies in the world. The British people are proud and law abiding. The United Kingdom has so far been a peaceful and stable country, whereas countries like China, Russi a, North Korea, Vietnam and Myanmar all have written constitutions, but basic human rights are not enjoyed by a number of citizens of those countries. A perfect example of democracy that truly respects the rights, freedom and aspirations of the people is in the United States where there is a written constitution.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Girl with the White Flag

High is the author of the password The Girl With the White Flag. The book depicts the realities of war with the eyes of the protagonist, who is a little girl known as blue tit. Tomtit lives on the island of Okinawa and resides with her family. When the war of Okinawa starts, she is detached from her family and struggles to survive. She has to forage for food, shelter, and her lost sisters.She delves in spite of appearance to find the strength and courage to survive. In this narrative, the author uses literary devices to reject the travails of the refugees in the Battle of Okinawa. The narrative is in a first- person mode victimisation implicit and explicit commendations which allows the ref to empathic with Tomtits thoughts and emotions. Through the use of implicit and explicit quotes, Tomtit High is able to uncover the harsh realities of life such(prenominal) as facing death and is able represent the transformation of a young timid girl into a mature and fearless person.In th e beginning of the story, Tomtit is depicted as a naive girl who is sheltered by her family. In her book, Tomtit High projects her father as a strict caparisoning, located to ensure that his children learn the lessons needed for life. This is reflected in the quote, It must have hurt. But youve got to learn that seeds are next in importance to life. If you eat them up, you wont have every beans next year. And non only you, but Hooks and Hatfuls and Choosy. None of you will have whatsoever beans to eat. Do you understand You mustnt ever eat seeds again (High, P. 31).This quote is explicit as it directly states that Tomtit Fibular 2 should not eat the beans, so the reader doesnt have to subscribe to any inferences approximately what is happening in the story. Also, this quote shows the strictness of her father. In life, fathers always have to look after their kids and create rules for them to follow. A girls father is a significant person in her life. A father guides and protects her by all means. after(prenominal)wards, Tomtit portrays her father as a very brave and courageous man who fulfills his responsibilities towards his family, which is depicted in this quote, Now I want you all to listen carefully.Theres going to be fighting here in Okinawa very soon. Lifes not going to be peaceful for us any more. You must be prepared, so hat when the time comes, youll be able to keep your head and know what to do (High, p. 36). This quote is also explicit as in the quote Tomtit voices that her father is guiding his children for their survival. In war, there is isolation, and no one knows whether the family is alive or dead. Family is important to us as they serving provide the support and comfort needed to prepare for life.When Tomtit lived with her family, she was protected, and she was sheltered by her family. The war transformed her into a brave and courageous person. When the war started, she had to face up many tough obstacles. However, these hurdles elope d her grow as an individual. She had to cope with her brothers death, see many Japanese soldiers commit suicide, and witness the deaths of many innocent civilians from the destruction of war. Also, she was separated from her family and had to survive on her own. Tomtit grew as a person from these hardships.She reflects this change through the following lines, Poor man, I thought as I started to passing play past him, he must have been pulled by one of those bullets. By that time, I had seen so many dead bodies here and there that I had change by reversal quite used to the site and was not frightened (High, P. 55). This quote is explicit as it expresses that Tomtit doesnt have Fibular 3 to feel uncomfortable when near the muckle of dead bodies. This quote depicts the transition of a fearful girl to a courageous person.If Tomtit would have experienced this earlier in the narrative, she would have not been able to cope with the dreadful sight of dead soldiers. Afterwards, Tomtit com es across an experience that displays one of the toughest memories in her life, which is Illustrated by the quote, l said to myself as I walked along, resigned to my fate, staring at the round hole from which I expected a bullet to come toward me any minute (High, P. 1 10). This quote is implicit as the reader doesnt know if Tomtit is going to live or die.It helps her grow and learn how to take life as it comes. This quote is strong as it reflects the rumor that Tomtit has no problem accepting her fate of life and death. This is very courageous as our society is shown to not have the will power to make a choice that big. Tomtit is able to then enlighten the reader on the realities of life presenting that Tomtit doesnt have a problem of facing death. After living through these experiences, Tomtit was transformed into a fearless and confident person, who no longer depends on others to take care of herself.In this story, Tomtit reflects to the reader about the outcome of her experienc es by citing, I resolved then and there to write about my experiences in the hope that such suffering might never be repeated (High, P. 127). This quote is explicit as Tomtit is exhibiting to the reader that she had resolved her experiences about war. This also explains that the suffering of war is so harsh, that a person does not want it to happen to them again. War can have an effect on a persons mental health which can cause a definite development in the incidence and prevalence of mental disorders.War also impacts women more then men emotionally. In the end, Tomtit was transformed from a sheltered girl to a woman capable of living on her own. Fibular 4 After the war ended, Tomtit writes that she must regard on with her life and forget the cruel memories of the war. She presents this to the reader by citing , It was a scene straight out of hell. There is no other way to describe it. And sad and painful though it was, we could not fall in to linger, and so we set off again tre kking south (High, P. 48). This quote is implicit as we dont know what scene Tomtit is offering to in the book.Some readers may accept that it may be describing only one specific scene in the book, others may think that it is talking about Tomtits experience of war as a whole. I believe that this quote in the book reflects Tomtits experience of combat as a whole. This quotation also uncovers the truth that Tomtit is determined to move on. She expresses to the reader that having written about her experiences of war is a catharsis, and she is going to have to move on. In this story, Tomtit is able to depict in her writing that through the brutal experience of battle an innocent, timid girl can become a dauntless and gallant individual.From this story, Tomtit is able to represent the truth of a female utilizing her experience of war to turn herself into a valiant and risk taking individual that will do anything to survive in life. Like Tomtit, if we demonstrate our tough times with c ourage, we will be able to face our obstacles with bravery. It can also transform us and helps us evolve. I feel life as like a roller coaster, if we dont take risks and keep going on the same pattern then we would not be able to ascend in our character. Fibular 5

Monday, May 20, 2019

Objections and Rebuttals

remonstrations and Re only whentals Whenever a client has an remonstration to the claim or price, the line of work is not that offer or the price it is actually that we as suggests decl are failed to build enough look upon in the product to justify the price. So in actuality the reason for the objection more often than not is that the customer is describeing us that they are not volition to pay $19. 95/$24. 99 at this moment. The better(p) way to combat this is to use an intelligent and informed rebuttal, do this by keeping the conversation red ink dont suffer flustered or aggravated Listen Think & Respond.Show empathy with the customer permit them go to bed you are here to solve their problem, remember we concord to relieve oneself the customers objections seem miniscule and offer a reasonable solution to stupefy the sale. DO NOT LET AN OBJECTION TURN INTO A VERBAL BATTLE BETWEEN YOU AND THE CUSTOMER, YOU WILL LOOSE. How to extendress an objection Step 1 Cushion t he objection by saying, I totally understand but Step 2 Question the objection. I know this is a hurdle for some of us but we have to be cocksure remember these customers called us for a solution.Use what they revealed in the probe and call them out on it. Step 3 retrace more value tie the benefits directly to the objection. Again remind them why they called Paint a work out for the customer help them visualize the results. Step 4 Close. Dont wait after making a relevant rebuttal that makes purchasing the product now logical ask for the sale. Now lets explore some usual objections and rebuttals for those objections. protestation I dont have a credit card Rebuttal I totally understand, many an(prenominal) people dont use credit cards. This is when we need to go back to the hot button, remind the customer of their answers to your probing questions. Build value by tying the benefits directly to their reason for calling. This is were we need to make an affirmative literar y argument If I asshole guarantee you that for $19. 95/$24. 99 Proactiv would finally get rid of your acne or you get a full refund of the purchase price dont you agree that that would be a full-proof investment? Its a win win situation you cant loose with this offer. If the customer still says they dont have a card we have to give them e truly option available such as Is thither someone there that understands what your going through that could let you use their card and you could give them the cash? or Is there someone that you can call to help you out with this I dont mind holding while we figure this out? This specific objection can seem tough at first again DONT GET FRUSTRATED vaunting your dedication in finding a solution for the customer.Objection Im going to think about it this peculiar(prenominal) objection should make our blood boil. Whats to think about after palavering to a knowledgeable advocate such as yourself, Right? Rebuttal I totally understand but dont you agree that the best way to think about this product is to actually use it in your home and get tangible time results, because that is exactly what this Risk-Free promotion is about or I totally understand but lets be honest with ourselves are you really going to go home and think about having elapse skin?We all know life is hectic and putting this off leave behind only make that clear and healthful skin be further out of your reach we are halfway there its time to take control remember some of these customers are very indecisive we need to be the deciding factor in the phone call and we do this by displaying cartel in our rebuttals.Objection I need to talk to this is usually just the customer backing out Rebuttal I totally understand but that is why we have the Risk-Free trial so there are no strings attached , if you thought enough of this person(or yourself) to call and so I am official that this is the solution for them/you the results pass on speak for itself Objection I will call back this one you have to do additional probing WHY do they need to call back Rebuttal whitethorn I ask why you would need to call back it will most likely change form into another objection , at this point we need to build more value and create exigency in ordering today.Objection I thought it was FREE this is the one we get the most do not get frustrated Rebuttal Agree with the free I totally understand the mercantile does mention free gifts, and you are going to be receiving some really great free gifts today $35 charge in fact. But we give these free gifts to you when you purchase the Risk-Free trial, we simply postulate to prove to you how great Proactiv will work for you and what a difference it will make in your life. Objection Im driving and I cannot get to my card at the moment we need to make this seem very miniscule Rebuttal I totally understand and honestly your calling off our radio add and 80% of our callers are calling in while driving, not a problem happens all the time. Im willing to wait until you get to a safe spot or stop because I can tell your really interested and we can get that part done and it will take less accordingly a minute Then go on talking to the customer, if you have not received the mete out info do this first and take your time.If you have already took the address info then talk with the customer a little bit waiting 3 to 5 min is totally worth the sale Now not all of these rebuttals will work like magic and some of them you will have to do some improvising to tailor to your particular call. The key is not to give in until all(prenominal) option has been explored. Remember we want the customer to USE Proactiv and if it does not give them the results they are looking for then that is why we have the MBG.Let the customer know that the reason we have the MBG is because We are so confident that this product will absolutely work for you that we just want to prove that and give you the clear healthy skin you d eserve Also after an objection the rebuttal should include some other set that have not previously been stated to entice the customer to buy instead of repeating what the customer has already heard. Ex. if the customer was already not aware that Proactiv is 1, its also great skin care system, they will always receive free gifts, mix and match, always have a MBG if that is a concern, able to get a hold of us 2 diff. ays to answer any questions and concerns, customizable accounts, free rush, upsells at $5 each, compose has 25% discount off retail price,Proactivs Micro Crystals are exclusively with us, Proactiv was the first acne treatment with 3 steps Combination Therapy etc.. Some of these can be used in the presentation to boost confidence and show great value before going into offer and also using the V/P/V (Value price Value) format. If we can do a great job with the presentation this will be intimate out some of those objections and make that price seem smaller, making an easy and quick sale.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Promoting effective communication Essay

There are a number of factors to deem when promoting effective communication. When using verbal communication with patients it is important to speak looking at them, speaking belatedly and understandably and using simple language,. It is important to note that when working with patients with learning disabilities we stand made for sure they pay off understood what I have said. When speaking with colleagues or professionals the language I use muckle be more complex and often I will speak faster however nearly factors remain the same, it is still important that information given verbally is clear and concise.An example of this is when this is when I have mentored new staff I make sure I talk over everything slowly and clearly and I also get then to repeat some of that information back to show they have understood. Verbally communicating in this way will differ dependant on weather I am talking on a one to one basis or to a group. If I am talking to a group I must esteem to addr ess everyone and not release anyone.When using non-verbal communication there are many different factors to consider. For example, if I am slummed back in a chair, it may show that I am not interested in the conversation. Eye while away is also very important as this can show that I am engaged in the conversation, other things to consider would be hand gestures, body language and facial expressions, for example, if I frown or have my arms folded I may give a negative impression. Finally it is important to remember that for effective communication to take place it involves both parties to be engaged. Being able to listen well(p) is vital in a two way conversations.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Metho Drinker

We have chosen this poem to analyse today as we thought that it would be wholeness that you could all relate to. Not necessarily to the homeless man, but to the topic of dependance. Nearly every angiotensin-converting enzyme here would have known someone who has suffered from an colony, and knows the effect that it has on not only the addict, but their families. It overly highlights the ignorance in todays society, as many are unaware of their sad existence. Main estimate The poem Metho Drinker by Judith Wright tells the story of a homeless man and his addiction to Methylated Spirits, an addiction which is slowly killing him.Living in winters harsh conditions under the death of winters leaves he lies he hides a way of life from society. He is alone and cries to goose egg and the terrible night as he has cryptograph and there is no one around him. So he turns to the one thing in his feel that keeps him warm, methylated spirits. Personification The poem continuously uses perso nification, as a way of interpreting the mans race with the bottle. The bottle is personified as his girl, his only companion. His woman of fire who creeps to his heart and sets a candle there, this shows his love and affection for this woman. In the next two lines his addiction to Metho becomes evident, as Wright introduces the metaphor of melting apart his flesh to eat the nerve that tethers him in time as the addiction is slowly killing him. the Metho burns him as he drinks it to eat the nerve that tethers him in time. He drinks it to take his pain away. The candle burning keeps him warm inside and provides him with warmth that he can not find on the streets.Similes Light is compared to knives whose thrust I cannot turn which suggests the pain that light brings to the drinker. Time, to the man, is a never ending trouble. By drinking the Methylated spirits he feels like he is escaping time and escaping from the troubles in his life. He is uneasy under her kiss/and winces from th at acid of her desire. This shows how the metho is killing him but the desire and fate for her or it is too strong to stop and his addiction has taken over.Symbolism Symbolism is utilise in the poem as the woman and his apparent love and desire for her symbolises the bottle of Methylated Spirits and his addiction. portion The voice of the poem is written in third person. This technique is used in a way to show an outsiders perception of the homeless man. Structure The structure is a technique that has been used in this poem. The first stanza in the poem sets the scene for the reader, and helps to give the basic story of the man.It shows how the drinker cries to nothing and the terrible night and shows his hate for time, light and societys cruelty. Whereas in the second stanza introduces the drinker and his relationship with the bottle. Figurative language Figurative language is used in the poem when describing the effect that the Metho has on the drinker. It melts away the flesh that hides the bone to eat the nerve that tethers him, this is a non literal phrase, but again shows the feeling that the Metho creates in him, further causing his addiction.