Monday, May 27, 2019

Personal Attachment Style Essay

My personal attachment style as determined by the Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire (Fraley, n. d. ) was secure, which seemed appropriate. Individuals with secure attachment styles atomic number 18 not typically concerned with rejection from a partner and they tend to be comfortable in randyly fast relationships (Rodriguez & Ritchie, 2009). Research has shown that when secure someones face conflict, they are likely to problem solve using strategies such as compromising and encouraging correlative discussion and constructive communication (Carnelley, Pietromonaco, & Jaffe, 1994 Riggs, 2010).Additionally, secure individuals have a decreased potential for depressive symptoms and a far lower risk for psychological disorders through disclose due date (Riggs, 2010). The questionnaire provided a realistic and accurate assessment of my natural tendencies in intimate and other relationships. Contributing Genetic and Environmental Factors I was endowed with good genes twain of my pa rents were calm, warm, loving people who had above average intelligence and the ability to think in progressive and effective ways. They were socially aware and had many friends and colleagues who respected and love them.I had a close to ideal family environment as a child my parents were particularly responsive to my of necessity and my opinions were always respected and valued. I was not ridiculed, mistreated, or abused, although I was held to high standards and was encouraged to behave appropriately and thoughtfully and to express my feelings in creative, honest, and constructive ways. Research indicates a correlation between archaean attachment development in childishness and the capacity to form close attachments in adulthood (Brandel, 2010 Reyome, 2010 Riggs, 2010).Sullivans developmental model placed critical immensity on interpersonal relationships and how children, and later adults, construct ways to maintain relationships within the family and with others (Brandell, 201 0). Because people have intrinsic psychological needs, they effect ways to fulfill them, and if the needs are not met by psychologically healthy interactions, less effective unhealthy means are implemented (Brandell, 2010 Rodriguez Ritchie, 2009). My childhood environment was conducive to psychological health and provided the emotional building blocks for future positive relationships.Affect on Cognitive and Social Development Research suggests that abuse during early childhood late affects an individuals future ability to bond with others, in effect, abuse influences social development (Reyome, 2010 Riggs, 2010). Furthermore, it may interfere with the individuals ability for emotional regulation, and may contribute to maladaptive emotional coping skills that may lead to psychological disorders (Riggs, 2010). Insecure individuals show a decreased ability for social learning processing, such as careful listening (Riggs, 2010).Compounded with decreased emotional regulation, malada ptive coping skills, and a propensity to psychological disorders, maltreatment in childhood has a tremendous impact on social development and the ability to engage effectively in relationships in general (Brandell, 2010 Carnelley, Pietromonaco, Jaffe, 1994 Riggs, 2010). In early childhood, children create norms and develop expectations according to the quality with which their needs are met, usually by the mother (Brandell, 2010).These norms and expectations are the templates by which individuals relate to others throughout their lives (Brandell, 2010 Reyome, 2010). When a mistreated individual consistently distorts self-perceptions and inaccurately interprets the behavior of others as threatening, they may engage in retaliatory behavior (Riggs, 2010). As previously mentioned, I was raised in a warm, wholesome family environment in which personal expression was expected, valued, and appreciated. I grew p believing and experiencing that the most valuable relationships are the intima te ones I have with family and close friends. They are the safe harbors that naturally ameliorate the challenges of life. I developed highly positive expectations about intimacy, and my needs were mostly addressed. Because I learned that close relationships are safe, I perceive them accurately and as a non-threatening component of life. The pleasure I derive from close relationships has diffusely permeated my relationships in general, and I seek out and appreciate some level of intimacy in all of my relationships.

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