Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on John F Kennedy JFK - 1661 Words

This is a short biography on John F. Kennedy. In this biography you will learn biographical data about J.F.K., interesting or little known facts, why I chose J.F.K. for my biography and information about what I heroes. Well start off with why I chose J.F.K. for my biography report. I chose John F. Kennedy for my biography report because I find that almost all of his life is very interesting. I first discovered my interest in J.F.K. when I was watching a show about his assassination which took place on November 22, 1963. Now that Ive done research on J.F.K. I have found that almost his whole life is full of interesting things. I think that if everyone knew all the information Ive found on J.F.K. then they would wish he were still alive†¦show more content†¦J.F.K. had some great plans for his second term in office but they never happened because of his assassination. I believe my person was a hero because he was such a great man and because for some people he was an actual hero that saved their lives. So yes I would definitely say my person was a hero. I think that in some ways a hero and a celebrity can be one in the same but having a celebrity as a hero because of the roles they play in a movie isnt a good idea because theyre just pretending. If a celebrity is a hero to you because of how good they act or direct or because of what ever they do is fine. I think that the biggest difference between a celebrity and a hero is that celebrities are famous whereas a hero can be anyone, they dont have to be famous or well known. On this page I will tell you the biographical data about John F. Kennedy. J.F.K. was born on May 29, 1917 in a place called Brookline, Massachusetts that was also his childhood home. His family had two summer homes that they would visit as well. John lived with his mother Rose Kennedy and his father Joseph Kennedy. John also lived with his eight siblings; the better-known ones are Robert who was assassinated, Teddy who is still alive and a Senator for Massachusetts, Joe Jr., who died when his plane blew up during WWII, and Kathleen Kick who also died. John, Kick, Joe Jr. were the three eldest of the Kennedy children. John died on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas at the age of 46. JohnShow MoreRelatedJohn F. Kennedy And Jfk1050 Words   |  5 PagesJohn F. Kennedy â€Å"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.† This is one of the most famous quotes John F. Kennedy ever presented during his term as president of these United States. Hello I am Miya Cole and in these next few minutes I will be informing you about our thirty fifth president, John F. Kennedy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy or better known as JFK was born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. JFK had a particularly big familyRead MoreJohn F. 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