Saturday, June 1, 2019

HRM Issues in China Essay examples -- Human Resources Management Chine

Issues affecting International Human Resource Management in ChinaNapoleon called China a sleeping potassium bitartrate and said there would be woe to the world when the dragon awakes. As the world knows, the dragon is more than stirring. IntroductionThe Chinese trust that the Great Dragon ruled the Middle Kingdom of the world for nearly four thousand years. For most of this period China was a great employment nation. Then the dragon fell asleep for two centuries, while China collapsed under the effects of colonialism, until in 1978 Deng Xiao Ping woke the dragon up. And now the Chinese dragon is back, hungry to take its place as the economic and pagan superpower of the 2 foremost century.Nowadays China is often called the worlds largest market. Many muckle might think that it is very easy to start byplay in China and that success is guaranteed because of the huge potential of the market. But that isnt true. Making favored business in China is not that easy as it might seem. i n that location are many potential problems which can arise.For instance the Chinese civilisation is five thousand years old and because of that the Chinese gloss, tradition and value system have a significant impact on the different business processes. As the largest country in population, China has 50 plus different minority groups of people each have its own culture, custom, norm, tradition, even unique holidays and languages. Also, as one of the top three nations in land size, China is geographically divided into many regional centres across the nation each has unique cultural aspects in terms of tradition, value, social norm, belief, and organisational features. Those unique cultural factors will present numerous challenges to foreign investors and international joint venture managers.In this essay I want to discuss issues effecting human resource management which is, according to many foreign executives, the greatest challenge for Western companies in China today.The signifi cance of culture in international Human Resource ManagementAccording to Hofstede the influence of national culture is important to management for three reasons. The first is political and institutional. There are differences between the countries in formal institutions such as government, legal systems, educational systems, labour and employers association, and the way they are used. The secon... ...-158.Hofstede, Geerthttp//, 1.12.2004.Huo, Paul / von Glinow, Mary AnnOn transplanting human resource practices to China A culture-driven approach, International Journal of Manpower 16(9), 1995, p. 3 - 15.Huczynski, Andrzej / Buchanan, DavidOrganizational Behaviour An Introductory Text, 4th edition, London scholar Hall, 2001.McClenahen, John S.Chinas Cultural Challenge, Industry Week 253(4), 2004, p. 10 - 12.Meier, Johannes /Perez, Javier /McKinseySolving the puzzle MNCs in China, Business Source Premier Database, 1995.Scarborough, Jack equiva lence Chinese and Western Cultural Roots Why East is East and , Business Horizons 41(6), 1998, p. 43 - 50.Wang, Yuan / Zhang, Xin Sheng / Goodfellow, RobBusiness Culture in China, 1st edition, Singapore Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998.Wilson, Jonathan / Brennan, RossMarket entry methods for western firms in China, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 15(4), 2003, p. 3 - 18.Yang, Jiaqin / Lee, HueiIdentifying key factors for successful joint venture in China, industrial Management & Data Systems 102(2), 2002, p. 98 - 109.

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