Thursday, June 13, 2019

Parental Involvement Educational Outcomes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Parental Involvement Educational Outcomes - Essay ExampleA good shell provided is parental education a socio-economic status. Schneider, Keesler and Morlock state that research confirms that students whose parents completed higher education levels performed better academically. This is because the parents have set a standard for their chelaren therefore, baberen work sticky to attain an equivalent of or more than their parents achievements. Berthelsen supports the idea that the academic achievement and social adjustments of many children depends on the parents expectation on the childs academic achievement. Berthelsen states that the involvement of families and schools in a childs academic progress guarantees higher achievements in school.Schneider, Keesler and Morlock consider the relation between family coordinate and children learning. According to the authors children in sensation parent families most times experience negative developmental outcomes. This is due to the huge parental responsibilities burdened on the single parent. This limits the time the parent spends with the children. As a result, this affects the childrens learning and social skill. Barbara, Keesler, and Morlock explain that the emotional involvement and interaction of both parents does affect a childs emotional growth, and cognitive development (Schneider, Keesler, and Morlock, 2010).According to Schneider, Keesler and Morlock (2010) parental action determines a childs cognitive and social development. The authors point that children who are steadfastly attached to their parents or caregivers embody a sense of freedom when exploring their environment. Exploring allows a child to learn social skills, language skills and acquire a sense of certificate of indebtedness On the other hand abusive parents tend to lead their children into adopting an avoidant attachment behaviour, which prevents a child from discovering their surroundings. According to a report by Toronto public wellness department children who experience positive parenting

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