Monday, July 29, 2019

Anheuser-Busch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anheuser-Busch - Essay Example While most of the processes are undertaken under the same production plant, the first stage of the production process is undertaken in a different facility, where the raw materials to be used in the production process, such as barley and rice are germinated under controlled environmental conditions, to develop the grains’ natural enzymes (malt), in readiness for the next process. This activity occurs in the maltster, as the initial component of the production facility design (Knoedelseder, 2012). From here, the production process proceeds to the kiln, which is the second component of the production facility design, where the germinated raw materials are then dried under controlled temperature. It is at the kiln that the color of the grains is determined, by controlling the temperatures based on the desired color of the beer to be produced (Hernon, 1972). Additionally, the kiln also aids in the control of the flavor of the beer to be produced, by drying the grains to different degrees, based on the desired flavors. ... The three components of the production facility design are housed in the malt plant, after which the product produced from the malt plant is now taken to the brew house, where the rest of the production process is to continue. In the brew house, the products from the mash plant, which are now found in the form of already milled and grounded powder, are mixed together with water at the mash tank, which is the fourth component of the production facility design. Mixing the mash plant products is done at the right controlled temperatures, where the enzymes in the malt are now converted from starches into sugars, forming a product referred to as wort sugars, which is a fermentable sugar product (Hernon, 1972). This process is referred to as the wort formation, which determines the flavors of the beer to be produced, depending on the ingredients of the malt mash and the controlled temperatures that are applied. To obtain the wort, the mixture of water and the powdered mash plant products a re strained in the lauter tun; the fifth component of the production facility design, to give out the amber liquid, which is called wort. This is an important process in the beer production process, since the components, color and flavor of the wort determines the aroma, the taste and the overall taste of the beer finally produced (Hernon, 1972). From here the process proceeds to the six component of the production facility, which is the brew kettles (Knoedelseder, 2012). This is the container that holds the wort produced in the previous stage, which is then boiled and then mixed with hops. Hops are the major spices of the beer, which are added to produce the brand that is desired, differentiated on the basis of special flavor, aroma and beer character (Lang & Rubovits, 1992).

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