Sunday, July 28, 2019

Public Policy Formation and Analysis Assignment - 1

Public Policy Formation and Analysis - Assignment Example Using Taxes to Address Traffic Safety Problems in Oman: According to Weimer and Vinning ( ) Taxes should be levied against motor vehicle owners in favour of the accident victim. This should serve as a penalty with an intention of reducing recklessness of motor users. If this is executed adequately by the Government, drivers will be more careful as they fully well know that they will part with a lot of money if they cause an accident on the motorway. All medical bills and third party indemnities will be the sole responsibility of the motor vehicle owner. These taxes should be on the high side to the extent that it sparks careful driving on the side of the motor owner. The use of taxes will go a long way to both influence the behaviour of the road users and the attitude of the people towards being responsible. The population that will be affected by this taxation are males between the ages of 16 to 30 as they are the more active road users in Oman. Also, the use of taxes levied on comp anies or citizens who make use of the roads will help raise additional funds for the Government of Oman. ... But the taxation process will suddenly raise enough funding to tackle this issues. The Government can also disburse what economist/policy analyst call; subsidies. This will boost the economic power of the various traffic enforcement agencies which will in turn replay itself positively in the social, political and cultural super structures of Oman. So in my humble opinion, I personally believe the imposition of this taxes on the citizenry of Oman is a timely policy that will help in reducing the horror of road traffic experiences that destabilizes the Oman Nation. Question 2: Using Rules to Address Traffic Safety Problems in Oman: The use of rules according to Weimer and Vinning ( ) is paramount in Oman if the issue of continuous road traffic accidents is to be curbed. According to the Times of Oman in a news caption they stated that â€Å"Oman has one of the highest reported road crash fatality rates in the world, an upward trajectory that shows no sign of levelling out. To put it i n context, the population of the UK is 25 times that of Oman, but has only five times as many deaths from road traffic crashes. We are repeating the pattern experienced by rapidly motorising high income countries in the 1970s when death on the roads claimed one life in every 3,000,† . This is a terrible situation that must be stopped and one of the viable was of doing that is to come up with â€Å"Rules† that will be both welcomed from by the public and implemented by the Government without fear or favour to certain political blocks. Rules are regulations laid down to guide a particular coursed. Rules are meant to be obeyed and measures in the forms of penalties are put in place to ensure that such rules are obeyed. When these

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