Thursday, September 19, 2019

Quest for Paradise in Lydia Maria Child’s A Romance of the Republic Ess

Quest for Paradise in Lydia Maria Child’s A Romance of the Republic A Romance of the Republic, written by Lydia Maria Child, is an intriguing novel which reflects certain predominant 19th-century views about racism, patriarchy, and class status. One aspect of this story that is unique is the constant use of a flower motif, through which the reader is drawn into a Paradise that is fantastically created, an Eden that is not limited in its range of vision due to the wealth, class, nationality, and color of its individuals, but rather embraces the many hues and varieties of life that any beautiful and perfect garden must possess. Although one could argue that this utopia is never obtainable, Ms. Child successfully demonstrates that a society can be egalitarian, not constructed on class consciousness and struggle, but rather based on the framework of the Constitution, which states that all people are created equal, with unity for all being the ultimate goal. These beliefs in equality are demonstrated through the strategic use of class where the aristocratic faction should not have more value than their lower class counterpoints. They are also reflected in the novel’s use of racial crossing, where many varieties of people, including the pivotal octoroon sisters, Rosa and Flora, can have many potential colors and racial identities. Finally, the egalitarian beliefs are evidenced in cultural differences, where a society can only evolve into a more splendid creation when it derives sustenance from many groups and resources. The fact that this book deals with the aristocracy at all turns presents an excellent summation on the beliefs that money and prest... ...e appreciation of many cultures for the unique and various gifts they contribute to their spheres allows those individuals to branch out into other spheres and impact many new clusters of people. Just as Paradise is beautiful, so is equality. This leaves the reader with the logical progression of: 1) Flowers are beautiful: just as all people are beautiful; 2) Flowers are from many genuses and possess many hues: just as people are from many cultures and have many different colors; 3) People of many colors and cultures are beautiful. When all varieties of people are planted in the same garden and live in peaceful coexistence, they will develop their own accepting culture, which is nothing less than Paradise. Works Cited Child, Lydia Maria. A Romance of the Republic. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1997.

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