Thursday, September 12, 2019

What is feminismwhat is feminist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is feminismwhat is feminist - Essay Example My best friend, Cheng Zhang also has the same view that women should be free from any patriarchal control in the society. Cheng also associated herself with women celebrities like Wendi Deng and Hilary Clinton who are feminists. Cheng was proud to be a woman while responding during interviews and her body language was enthusiastic. My mother, Lei Wang was quite content to take care of her home and family where she is the home-maker. She declined to be a feminist as it would put her into mental stress and explained feminism as the role of a woman in taking responsibility and decisions in family life. My mother was quite conservative in her body language. My dad, Weijie Cai considers himself to be a feminist and believes that feminism is all about the aspect of equality of rights among men and women. He was quite assertive with his body language. The fifth and the last respondent was Abby Chen who is my dad’s friend and she is an acute feminist. She believes in women rights and has held events on feminism in China. She was quite aggressive in her body language. Trends were observed from the respondents that the young generation is more passionate of the feminist sentiment. The feminist sentiment is also strongly present in the previous generation as in the case of my dad’s friend but a higher percentage likes to go either by the concept of equal rights among men and women or some women may detach themselves to be called as feminist due to the aspects of man hating and unattractiveness associated with feminism. Looking at the aspect of Zombie feminism which explains the growth of feminism sentiment among the young generation from the stage of its apparent death over a period of time in modern era, I assumed that there would be varied responses from the interviewees on their consideration towards feminism. Although there were both positive and negative responses on feminist view, this could be

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