Wednesday, August 28, 2019

4 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

4 questions - Essay Example The author was trying to argue that taste and behavior do not necessarily emerge from structural positions rather individuals ascribe these features to socioeconomic positions to best accommodate the needs of the situations (For example vastly different tastes from people one wants to distance oneself from and similar tastes for people who they find similar). Whilst the author’s arguments are indeed convincing it still remains that much of the information gathered and analyzed is still based on personal observations and are still subject to observer biases. For this question we were requested to read Dà ¶rnyei, Z. (2007). Research Methods in Applied Linguistics and this text them back to what we have learned regarding quan/qual research. Dà ¶rnyei stated that the different nature of qualitative and quantitative research is in the fact that the latter refers to researchers who define the variables that they work with well in advance and assign numeric measurements to the variables so that this data can be codified and analyzed. Qualitative research is different insofar as the data is not necessarily numeric rather it can be verbal and as such the issue can be more flexible for investigation. In relation to research questions and hypothesis it can be the case that if the issue that one is going to research relies heavily on topics such as human interaction it may be the case that a qualitative approach could be utilized however if it is the case that something less reliant on human emotions or interactions one could utilize a quantitat ive approach. Moreover it can be the case that a mixed approach could be utilized for complex issues. In some respects the questionnaire is good insofar as the first question â€Å"Do you use fast-food services in the area† quickly identifies whether or not the interviewee is a suitable candidate (Presumibly if they

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