Saturday, August 10, 2019

Walmarts Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Walmarts Ethics - Essay Example Walmart is indeed a large organization with thousands of stores in the US and other parts of the world as well. It has employed millions of employees and hence increasing its fame. However, in a bid to maintain its leading retail position, Walmart has had to engage in unethical buyer power where those suffering are its employees, the suppliers as well as other businesses which Walmart has taken businesses from in a bid to continue with its reputation for lower prices. The employees’ medical benefits among other benefits are not offered to all employees even though they work excess hours without much compensation which is an indication of Walmart’s injustice and unfairness to their hard working employees. When the business continues to lower its prices and reduce the purchasing power of the suppliers in a bid to make more profit, it goes against the ethical principle of beneficence and makes small businesses close and moves the business from Americans. This is an indicat ion therefore that when Walmart uses its buyer power and reduces prices; it only benefits its stockholders but harms the rest of the people. If Walmart is to be ethical in using its buying power to reduce its prices, the profits from the reduced prices in their numerous stores would lead to the stores engaging in non-maleficence and more beneficence. It would also be fairer to the suppliers by compensating them for their efforts as well as exercising justice in the workplace about employee’s benefits and be truthful about it.

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