Sunday, August 25, 2019

Government Ban of Cyberporn on the Internet Essay - 1

Government Ban of Cyberporn on the Internet - Essay Example The Cyber porn Industry has over the years grown very fast posing a great threat to the social and moral values of various communities in countries all over the world.This menace has spread so wild to the extent that ,it has has become almost uncontrollable and is also destroying many. This is due to some factors which have given the needed attention to be able to stop this problem as quickly as possible. One of such problem is the how people are easily influenced to engage in or use pornographic materials either by their friends or deceitful adverts they might seen on the internet. Pornography in general is very addictive and even experts have been able to proof that overcoming pornographic addiction is more difficult than overcoming the addiction of drugs. One other factor is the way cyber porn is easy to access these days due to wide spread of Internet facilities in our society. This therefore makes it very easy for people to get access to it as often as they want making it very difficult for them to resist since it is very influential especially amongst the teens who are naturally very adventurous age group. This problem of cyber porn, have had a very devastating effect on our society no matter the age group in question. Lets take the effects it has on non-adults for instance, these children or non-adults are filled when a lot of lustful pleasures when they watch these pornographic pictures on the internet. They then begin to have very evil desires as a result because these things infuse nothing but evil motives into them. This in a long run as result of them, not been able to control themselves, end up practicing the very things they see on the internet in the wrong time of their lives and with the wrong person. This affects their moral life hence reducing the moral standards of our societies, which is very bad.

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