Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Law of Evidence. write of silence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law of Evidence. write of silence - Essay workoutHowever, as observed in R v Beckles, such inferences can non be used to establish guilt. The dramaturgy of Lords in R v Webber of 2004 that pursuant to Section 34 facts may include whatsoever fact that is an issue at the runnel and tendered by the defendant in his or her defence. Moreover, facts will include any explanation or fact that the defendant would have logically orderd at an earlier acquaint of the criminal proceedings. According to the ruling in R v Ali, the only recourse a defendant may have is to either deny culpability at the police station or to invent a statement plantting out his or her defence so as to preserve the right hand to raise the defence at trial. The right to a fair trial guaranteed by Article 6 of the ECHR demands however, that prosecutors bear the burden of proof. It was ruled in R v Condron that directions to the jury moldiness be prone with caution emphasizing the right to silence. The Judici al Studies Board established 6 points intended to ensure that unseemly inferences contained in section 34 do non contradict Article 6. The 6 points correspond with the 6 requirements for adverse inferences as laid doing in R v Argent and are There must be proceedings. Failure to mention a fact must predate the charge or when organism charged. The omission must have occurred while being questioned under caution. The questions must have related to find out who committed the offence. The omitted fact must be one subsequently used in defence at the trial. The omitted fact must be one that accused was logically expected to mention. The courts have tried to set limits to what amounts as a new fact and to preserve the defendants right to remain silent. For instance in R v McGarry, the defendant was charged with causing grievous bodily harm. In a written statement taken by the police, the defendant claimed that he acted in self-defence and did not coiffe police questions. At his trial, the defendant testified to facts substantiating and building on his claim of self-defence. The trial judge tell that he was not inviting the jury to melt down an adverse inference since D had not raised a new fact but did state that it was up to the jury to determine whether or not they wished to draw an adverse inference. The defendant was convicted and appealed. The appeal was allowed because the trial judge had a duty to direct the jury that they were not at liberty to hold the defendants failure to answer police questions since he did not rely on a new fact. R v B (MT) partially deals with circumstances in which a defendant may not be aware that a new fact may provide him or her with a defence. In this case the defendant was accused of sexual raping his stepdaughter, a fry and another girl under the age of 16. When questioned by the police, the defendant could not identify a causality for the girls to lie. However, at trial, his stepdaughter testified that she resented the d efendant and did not want him to live with her mother. The defendant used this information in his defence. The trial judge directed the jury that they could draw an adverse inference from this if they felt that it was reasonable for the defendant to raise the issue of motive while being questioned by police. The defendant was convicted and upon appeal, the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal on the grounds that the fact relied on was not a fact that the defendant could have known when questioned by the police. Likewise in Murray v UK before the European Court of Human Rights it was held

Monday, April 29, 2019

Enhancing the Patient Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Enhancing the Patient beat - Essay ExampleDue to space imitation, the paper will focus only on the challenges that were go through during the case study discussed, and non on the treatment. Different studies have revealed that person-centred c ar not only gives psychological satisfaction to patients, but also helps the nurses to educe psychological satisfaction in their job, as person-centred care not only makes easy their job, but also provides certain sense of spiritual meaning and attainment to the process of caring. The Case Study The case study included in this paper is of a puerile female client who was recommended by her school for counseling and therapy. The physical examination of the client had revealed that the client was intemperately overweight and was suffering from obesity related problems. Her academic performance had gone down drastically in last six months, and she was becoming emotionally and psychologically distant from her peers and teachers. However, the decision to send her for counseling was taken when her parents approached the school regarding her performance and expressed worries over her behaviour problems. The method used to understand the client was personalized inter follow. Six sessions of interview were conducted with the client. It was found that she was suffering from low self-esteem and insecurity. ... The clients eating plan was related to the emotional insecurity and unfulfilled needs. Hence, it was very unavoidable to adopt a person-centred approach to gain her confidence and faith. Person-centred approach is one of the most effective approaches in care. According to Ford and McCormack (2000), in gear up to provide person-centred care, practitioners must acquire knowledge about the person which allows them to provide care and services that are compatible with individuals values and which are, as such, highly valued (Clarke, Hanson and Ross 2003, p.697). However, understanding the values of a person is not an ea sy task. There were many challenges that were experienced during the journey of the treatment process. Interestingly, the challenges started right from the line of descent of the treatment as the first challenge was faced when I had to understand the core values of my client. create mutual trust Communication between nurse and patient is an important aspect of a successful treatment. However, communication is possible only when the patient trusts the nurse and believes that the details of his personal life will extend confidential. Hence, in order to encourage my client to open up emotionally, it was necessary for me to gain her trust. It was important to secure her that I was not going to judge her in any way, but understood her point of view completely. It has been observed that due to differing interpretation of illness and related conditions, the mutual trust between the nurse and the patient, which is necessary for good communication, cannot be developed (Sartain, Clarke a nd Heyman 2000, p. 913). Mutual trust can be enhanced by accessing and closure the difference in patients and service providers interpretation of the medical

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Black Sox Scandal of 1919 From the book Baseball an Illustrated Essay

Black Sox Scandal of 1919 From the book Baseball an Illustrated History - Essay eventAfter the end of the World Series, the suspicions of the conspiracy began (principally by sports writers such as Hugh Fullerton) but cooled voltaic pile forward the beginning of the 1920 season. However even with the cool down there were allegations that gamblers invaded baseball and paid for some wins, in September 1920, the court opened investigations to check on the allegations. These investigations opened the case for the melanize sox scandal, after the image septet of the players admitted to the court that they had received bribes in order to throw away the World Series, which was not common. The owner of the white soxs, later suspended the seven play (Ward & Burns, 1994).Chick gandil, a player in the team, organised the whole fix, he rounded seven white soxs plan to go with the plan. However even though gandil planned the whole fix, the gamblers, and the bookmakers dealt with Joseph Sul livan and Arnold Rothstein, Sullivan was a businessman that dealt with players while Arnold, on the other hand, provided the m one and only(a)y. As 100,000 split among seven players back in the days was a big deal all the seven players agreed to down with the deal, however the case reveals that Joe Jackson, also a player in the team refused to take the money as he had doubts about the whole deal. In the case, few gamblers testified to the trial, however even with these none of them was brought to the trial of the black sox scandal.The main economic conditions that led the players to throw the game were the situation that the pay they used to get was low. The fact that they threw the game away just to get 100,000 dollars proves that they needed the money even with the fact that each one of them got around 20000 dollars. Also, to show that the players were in need of money is the double crossing evident all through and through the case (Ward & Burns, 1994). The whole scandal revolved around money from the gamblers, all the

Saturday, April 27, 2019

I will post all of information in word Assignment

I will post all of information in word - duty assign handst ExampleIn addition, money is non capable of purchasing intelligence, admiration and or respect for any(prenominal) individual who does not nonplus the capacity to hold these characteristics even in presence of more than comme il faut money. Similarly, money does not attempt to buy brains for individuals who have military unitful position in return for emolument because the individual nearly ends up frustrating him or herself to below the level of those who are perceivably weakened by the status of the individuals money (Rand 101). Conversely, dAnconia argues that although money does not purchase the necessary human beings characteristics in life, money is a rootless living power that acts as a means of survival. The variety show of treatment that money gives on individuals depends on the source of livelihood that further translates into the anticipated life. In fact, what matters most is the means of achieving th e money and the continuous engagement that tool of exchange has on the life of an individual. For instance, individuals are verbalize to do odd jobs just to get a particular amount of money (Rand 103). In crystalise of this, money would suddenly bring forth hatred from its users, the men, immediately it does not concur with the wants of the individuals. Many men are for the perception that money exists to be enjoyed even when the individuals have not genuinely acquired it. It is said not to give virtue nor redeem the vices of men (Rand 104). It is worth mentioning that, every man loves money to the extent of learned its nature. In addition, dAnconia argues that individuals should be aware of the fact that money is a continuous creation of the power that is within men, and the level of trade to outfit the best efforts amongst other men who are also trading to satisfy their needs and wants. For instance, those who love money are individuals who have the will to work for it as they exist that they deserve to have it in regard to their effort. For this reason therefore, individuals who continuously damn money are argued to have gotten it in a manner that is not upright. Thus, dAnconia advises men to desist from fellow men who continually tell them that money is evil (Rand 103). Needless to say, the society needs money to thrive. However, there must be a strict law that govern those that have money from exploiting those that do not have the medium. In the same way, the law must be present in society to make sure that men who just sit in idleness waiting for fellow men to work and acquire money, and then come forth to deprive them are dealt with accordingly. For instance, every time destroyers appear among men, they are said to demoralize by destroying money before hurting them and reducing them to men with no money (Rand 104). In a general sense, dAnconia argues that men must be in a position to contemplate that money is the root of good and not evil. Otherw ise if they continue to perceive money a sourced of evil, then they fortune having continuous destruction in their life. In the event that money is no longer a possible tool where men can clearly use to deal with one another, the same men are bond to become tools of fellow men. According to d

Friday, April 26, 2019

Air Pollution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Air Pollution - Research publisher ExampleAir pollution emanates from carry pollutants. These are substances that have adverse effects on the indwelling ecosystem when released into the atmospheric state. The song pollutants can be liquid droplets, gases, or solid particles. The pollutants are either generated through the ingrained processes or by the action of human activities. One of the commonest natural sources of air pollution is the volcanic eruption. The gases emitted through volcanic activities may contain toxic pollutants such as southward dioxide and carbon monoxide.The human activities that pass water air pollution are mainly due to industrial production. Many modern factories emit sulphur dioxide through the production processes. The pollutant can also build up in the air due to the reception of other gases such as sulphur monoxide with oxygen. In other words, the presence of oxygen in the air causes pollution after some non-polluting gases react with oxygen (Ha erens 12). Sulphur may react with oxygen in a chain of processes leading to the emission of sulphur dioxide. Similarly, oxygen may react with carbon in a chain of reaction processes leading to the emission of carbon monoxide, an air pollutant.The other source of air pollution is the oxides of nitrogen. They result from human activities, especially due to motor vehicle exhausts. Some vehicles are not fitted with the required catalytic converters to convert the oxides into the non-polluting nitrogen gas. When the oxides of nitrogen combine with those of sulphur in the atmosphere, the air becomes distasteful and unsuitable for human health (Ayres, Robert & Roy 4). The result is the outbreak of skin cancers and other infections associated with the pollutants. Likewise, the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is directly associated with global warming. The gas causes greenhouse effect that leads to the preservation of more heat in the kingdoms atmosphere.Although the sources

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 37

Case Study ExampleAs a teacher, I can suck the students in the session twice in two consecutive days. The session involves students in handling edible bean bags with their detainment and throwing them to their partners. They, therefore, end up taking part in a movement phase of throwing and catching. The session has instructional strategies where the teacher takes a bean bag and demonstrates the movement with angiotensin-converting enzyme of the students. He or she remains nonmoving and does an overhand throw of the bean bag to the travelling student. The student also uses an overhand movement pattern to throw the bean bag back to the teacher but with increased accuracy. All students in the sensible education engage in the activity in pairs and do what they are instructed by the teacher. The two partners engage in a two-handed catch of a thrown bean bag and reciprocate with one remaining stationary while the other travels and vice versa.The somatogenetic exercise of throwing and catching a bean bag improves the developmental needs of students involved in the 45-minute session. It increases their attention span and interest in the physical exercise. In addition, a student is able to mingle with another colleague from outside his or her pigeonholing of friends and experience fun together. The overhand throws movement pattern also increases the manipulative and motor skills of the students. This develops their muscles and other system

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Comparison and Contrast of Dispatches and Slaughterhouse Five Essay

Comparison and Contrast of Dispatches and Slaughterhouse tail fin - Essay ExampleThe main similarity of both works is that they are personal stories of soldiers coming by means of struggle and battlefields. Slaughterhouse-Five is a personal story which reflects Vonneguts experience in WWII. The story is unique because the author depicts events, experience, time, memories through with(predicate) different frames which do not connected with each other. Dispatches by Herr portrays a life of a war correspondent in Viet Nam. Herr mentions What a story he told me, it took me a year to understand it (Herr, 1991). His personal level plays a crucial role in plot development appealing to readers through its simplicity and veracity. two authors use colorful language means to share the atmosphere of war. For instance, Vonnegut writes We had been foolish virgins in the war, right at the end of childhood (Vonnegut, 1969).Both authors depict that war changed worldviews and emotions of soldiers faced with enormous emotional burden and fears. state of war is depicted as the time when people feel lack of money as Billy does. Vonnegut shows that after the war-time, Billy bears in mind the importance of wealth and richness seeing the marriage with Valencia as the big opportunity to improve his financial position.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Siemenss knowledge management strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

souths fellowship attention strategy - Essay ExampleThis essay discusses that the ability of the government to protect and make effective aim of the intellectual capital of the workforce declines with an increase of the retirement rate among the federal workforce. The power loses its timely ending making ability with the lack of critical experience. Where there is lack of familiarity commission, agencies be neither adequate to(p) to execute their projects in a timely manner nor they able to complete the project within the estimated cost. Having assessed this dilemma, a representative of the Aberdeen Group said, Knowledge workers today are losing productivity in an endless search for discipline they know resides in the organization but is not easily accessible. One way for an agency to spread the critical knowledge of program to a wide range of stakeholders is by implementing an effective knowledge framework along with an enterprise-wide strategy of knowledge management. Teams benefit from this flexibility by gaining a way to clutch the effects as well as interdependencies of the constantly changing environments along the projects life. The selective information an agency has at a certain point in time is nothing more than chaste representation of the temporal circumstances. There needs to be an appropriate knowledge management strategy in place to understand the relation of the data with different variables and to use it in the decision making process. The knowledge management strategy enables the workers to use the knowledge in the decision making process as they are able to completely understand different aspects of the knowledge. This paper looks into the knowledge management strategies implemented by the Siemens Company. Literature Review The Frids Knowledge Management Model Various strategies and models have been conventionally proposed for knowledge management. One of such models is the Frids Knowledge Management Model. The Frids Knowledge Management Model divides the sagaciousness levels of knowledge management maturity into five levels. These five levels are knowledge chaotic, knowledge aware, knowledge focused, knowledge managed, and knowledge centric (Haslinda and Sarinah, 2009, p. 195). The first level proposes that organizations take to the woods to comprehend and implement the Frid framework of knowledge management by works upon the vision, objectives, and indices of knowledge management. In order to optimize on their potential of knowledge management, organizations tend to advocate and adapt the departmental vision of knowledge management. The second level of knowledge awareness considers organizations to be at a higher step than the ones at knowledge chaotic. At this point, organizations need to focus on the development on a road map of knowledge management and a collaborative working with the office of knowledge management. The third level requires organizations to cover the aspects of implantation just l ike in the write down two levels. At this level, organizations need to integrate the knowledge management into the process engineering, develop initial groundwork of service, training and knowledge management, and make the budgets inclusive of knowledge management. The fourth level termed as knowledge managed gull the fundamental activities suggested in level one, two and three other than organizations should attempt to embed knowledge management in performance reviews and also in business plans apart (Haslinda and Sarinah, 2009, p. 193). Knowledge centric is the highest level of the execution maturity of knowledge mana

Monday, April 22, 2019

Thirty Years War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

30 Years fight - Essay ExampleThe Thirty Year War marks the last of its kind-a religious conflict fought under political guises. Unlike another(prenominal) religious state of wars, however, the Thirty Years War is known much more for its end, destitution, and lingering consequencesAll this was set up by religion. Religion alone could have r depotered possible all that was accomplished, but it was far from being the touch on motive of the war. Had not private advantages and state interests been closely connected with it, vain and forcefulnessless would have been the arguments of theologians and the word of the people would never have met with princes so willing to espouse their cause, nor the new doctrines have found much(prenominal) numerous, brave, and persevering champions. The Reformation is undoubtedly owing in a great measure to the invincible power of truth, or of opinions which were held as such. The abuses in the old church, the absurdity of many of its dogmas, the e xtravagance of its requisitions, necessarily revolted the tempers of men, already half-won with the forebode of a better light, and favourably disposed them towards the new doctrines. The charm of independence, the rich plunder of monastic institutions, do the Reformation attractive in the eyes of princes, and tended not a little to strengthen their inward convictions (Schiller, 2006, p. 2).UndoubtedUndoubtedly, europium had suffered through centuries of warfare before the Thirty Years War started in 1618 and the history of warfare, sadly, did not end after the Thirty Years War ended in 1648. In fact, shortly after the war in 1945, some historians tried to revise the traditional image of the Thirty Years War by...suggesting that the numerous complaints about the destruction of towns, the cruelty of soldiers and in general about unmitigated plunder, pillage and atrocities should not really be taken seriously. Rather, it is argued, they are so many cases of special pleading by farm ers and citizens in order to get taxes and other impositions reduced (Asch, 2000, p. 291).Essentially, historians have attempted to scale down the level of destruction and destitution caused by the Thirty Years War by claiming that these farmers and citizens raised complaints and exaggerated their claims regarding the war in an effort to receive tax waivers and reductions (Asch, 2000). However, many historians have dismissed these claims. This dismissal may be part due to a treatise released during the height of the Thirty Years War written by Franciscus Bonbra in which he describes some of the atrocities committed by mercenary soldiers They would rape any woman who seemed halfway attractive, plunder the houses, bring down the crops and beat and torture the peasants to extort money. In the end they would set the entire village on perk up (Asch, 2000, p. 292). Bonbras treatise helped to lend credibility to the argument that the claims of destruction were valid since Bonbras treati se was written as a theoretical treatise quite than a petition seeking support or tax waivers (Asch, 2000).In truth, the Thirty Years War left a wave of destruction unmatched until the 20th Centurys World Wars. The destruction, whether caused through poor military strategies, army composition, or overall famine and disease, led to several changes

Hochschild viewpoint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hochschild viewpoint - quiz ExampleEvery time an employee was lost, much money was lost in the training and recruitment of untried ones. The company tried to deal with this issue by offering a variety of remedial that include the solution to balance in roleplay and family for instance, part time and sharing of jobs.To her surprise many families preferable to work more than to be with their children and family members. Hochschild interviews like six families watching on how they operate during the day and night. She in like manner interviews various levels of professional and is surprised by what she hears. The employees at Amerco concentrate so much at work that they forget the essentials.Hochschild as a female analyzed the enormous entry of women into the labor force. It looked fair and diaphanous that as women left their various familys every morning along men to their various jobs to build the scrimping and maintain their families as they returned from work should share th e house chores which never happened. Instead, as they came from work women took to all main office responsibilities. Hochschild referred to it as a double shift as women worked both at work and at home (Hochschild, Pp 15)Nevertheless, there is a superwoman who can multitask and perfect both at work and home. In the present nearly women are faced with the challenge of what was considered a full time works in the past generation. To light upon it worse, as cutting workers size has occurred, the hours of work have been added for everybody. Hochschild in her book tried to fork up the point to which time is ever limited that they cannot fulfill their obligations both at home and work. Statistics show that women who have littler children spend more time at work than the ones with no children.Family values and reversed worlds according to Hochschild tries to show how various family values have been invaded by work efficiencies and time pressures while places have turned start to be temporary homes for these

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The current strengths and weaknesses of sterling Essay

The current strengths and weaknesses of greatest - Essay ExampleThe latter part of the essay deals with some measures that the strand of England could adopt so as to be able to resolve the particular problem that the United country is facing due to its weak currency.The cheer of the currency is important for any country because it determines, as Vlaar (2007) states, the linear perspective of the country in the world market. The exchange site (the ratio between the local and foreign currencies) takes into bankers bill the present value of the currency of a particular country and ascertains the differences with respect to other currencies. This comparison is indispensable because this way the effect of the exchange rates on the import and the export growth can be studied. Exchange rates are a critical determinant of the success of countries in terms of economical development. The impacts of the exchange rate on the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) are far reaching and so it is ap t(p) to study the values of currencies with respect to other currencies.In this paper, I would focus on the current value of superior, the currency of the United Kingdom, and compare it to the values of the other major currencies thereby determining its strengths and weaknesses. For the purpose of seek I have analyzed a few literature reviews.From the study of the value of sterling in the past two to three years one fact that is quite evident is that the value of sterling has been falling continuously. Although there have been minor deviances from the overall downward trend, for instance the value of the pound sterling rose by one penny against the Euro in February 2009, the value of pound has fallen by 16% with respect to the American Dollar and by 21% with respect to the Euro since early 2008, as Hyde (2010) states. There was a point in September 2009 according to Steiner et al. (2009) when the value of the sterling was even less than 1 . The rate at which the sterling was excha nged to the Euro was just 0.99.The falling

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Comparison of EUS and ERCP in diagnosis of bile ducts stone Essay

Comparison of EUS and ERCP in diagnosis of bile ducts stone - Essay exemplificationAll the authors possess masters degree in medicine and the last two authors possess veritable(a) PhD degree. They are gastroenterologists with keen interest in subscribe and look pertaining to stones in bile ducts. The first and hour authors have published several articles pertaining to this topic. Thus the authors have professional experience and qualifications in this regard. An abstract is include in the ascertain and is described heading wise. The abstract gives clear information in a condensed manner about various aspects of the get word. The abstract does identify the research problem, i.e., factors affecting diagnostic accuracy and similitude of patients in the follow-up period for negative outcomes are not thoroughly investigated in a randomize trial. There is no hypothesis in the research. The methodological analysis, sample subjects and major findings in the study are mentioned in t he abstract. The rationale for the study is clearly mentioned. The limitations of the study are not mentioned.The literature review in the study is not in detail and very short. However, it is up-to-date. No underlying theoretical frameworks have been identified in the study. The literature review however, does identify the need for the research proposal. There is no hypothesis in the study. The methodology is clear. The study is a prospective unicentric randomized study conducted over one year after arrogate approval from the Ethics committee. 256 patients with suspected biliary stone disease who were hospitalized were included in the study. The aims and objectives in the study are clear and well defined. Even secondary objectives are indicated. All the terms in the research are clearly defined. A standardized criteria defined by Barkun et al 17 was used to interpret common bile duct stones. The methodology is clear, reproducible and appropriate to the research problem. The inclu sion criteria and exclusion criteria for this study are definite and described

Friday, April 19, 2019

EADs-BAe merger case analysis (Corporate Finance) Assignment

EADs-BAe merger courting analysis (Corporate Finance) - naming ExampleEven though the companies had not revealed benefits and a detailed business social organisation for the merger it is believed that negotiations with the single states had not reached that level. The two firms were optimistic that the merger would have built a strong case to top off to the owners of the business. This discussion will address the valuation of the two firms using various models, the motivation and strategy evaluation, the solution in the security market and corporate governance analysis to seek ways of making much(prenominal) moves successful and establish the reasons behind the failure. Strategy and Motivation Analysis The motivation of the proposed merger were based on global rivalry, share in the market by the firms, the level of complimentarity, variation in the industrial structure like offsetting of the monopoly. BAE was also believed to be the springboard that would enable EADS to have i ts biggest jump it craved for in the blue American continent (Janes Defense Industry, 1900 p. 75). BAE has a chief voice in the manufacture of military equipment as it was noted that 95% of the BAE systems total sales were related to military sales. BAE also plays a vital role in the production of military aircraft such as the Typhoon fighter and the Tornado fighter bomber. The terms of the negotiations were that EADs was to tenderize 35 meg Euros which was 12% bid premium even though the new ownership was to be divided on a ratio of 32 in favor of the shareholders of EADS. In case the term was favorable to BAE it would shape the likelihood of the mergers success. The US state would also offer for disposal of asset upon the merger strategy which was set for security review. There are no period plans to divest any of the companys operations in the United States as a office of merger with EADS according to the spokesman of BAE (Spulber, 2007 p. 3). EADS and BAE had a deal to ha ve cost savings without necessarily giving inside information in regard to the scale and the manner in which they might be generated. Amongst the potential opportunities was the potential to gain more sales as the network by BAE in the export markets was immense such as ties with India, Australia and Saudi Arabia which would open doors for the EADS. The benefits from the merger were meant to extend over widening markets and that the firms were to target industrial benefits and operational synergy in all joint business. The likely synergy from the merger comprised of a minimum synergy which could be derived as the value of the pre-merger of both companies + the synergy = pre-merger security value + the number of shares for the post-merger. Taking S = synergism and taking data on 11th September where the EADS share cost was 29.30Euros while the number of keen shares as at thirty-first December 2012 being 8.21 billion shares, it then stipulates that the pre-merger value for EADS wa s 26 billion Euros. Conversely, taking the share value for BAE on 11th September, 2012 as 4.75Euros and the number of outstanding shares on 31st December, 2012 as 3.59 billion, it applies that the premerger value for BAE is 17.05 billion Euros found as 3.59X4.75 Euros (Financial times, 2013 p. 1-7). Now by taking the pre-merger security price = the average price of the stock prior to the merger to be EADS + BAE It concurs that

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Southwest Airlines' Cost Optimization to Create an Attractive Price Case Study

southwestward Airlines Cost Optimization to Create an Attractive price for Economy Class Travelers - Case Study ExampleThere are many factors which have helped southwestward Airlines in its survival and success. This essay attempts to outline those factors and strategies on the basis of the by-line parameters Financial Planning, Financial control, Costing, termination making.Financial planning has played a vital role in growing its business. The correct timing of its decisions has make a huge difference in increasing market capitalization (Sims, 68). Southwest Airline has gained a further advantage by packing more seats into the aircraft which increase the seat kilometer receipts generated per block hour.Instead of buying more jets to deal with its growing business, Southwest planned and got better deals on the lease. so it paid substantially less per block hour for lease rental, than other carriers. Southwest has implemented its pecuniary planning in such a way that low fare s when combined with high frequencies and excellent promptness have resulted in an increase in its revenues. Southwest plans its finances very efficiently. It hires new pilots with ten eld contract and motivates them by offering a share in profits. This is an example of astute planning. It means that if Southwest was making losses at any particular time then the losses can be shared with the pilots. This strategy also makes the staff much more accountable. Another important aspect of financial planning was operating on low distance routes and targeting of road passengers.Southwest plans its expenditure very efficiently and effectively. The guest service strategy of providing a full meal was costly in two ways. One, it increases the per unit be and secondly more staff is required to provide the service. Southwests plan of not following this trend has saved it the cost of food as well as the number of staff employed. In other airways, when six to eight employees per flight were r equired, southwest managed to function with only four. This kind of planning was life-and-death for decreasing the costs and increasing the revenues.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Effects of an Extended Day and Extended Year Elementary Schools on Dissertation

The Effects of an broad day and increase Year Elementary Schools on Academic Achievement - Dissertation ExampleCurriculum, teachers, staffs, transportation and other developmental facilities are the other resources that are required for managing initiates. Due to the scarcity of resources, members of the rearing department should ensure that cadence is best allocated in order to receive the naughtyest benefits by incurring lesser costs. Thus, schools must focus on effective strategies for providing their basic objective of teaching children. However, apart from teaching, schools help to provide enhanced quality of education that enables people to interact communally and value ways to practice safe and healthy behaviors. Furthermore, effective schooltime also helps in contributing reliably and ethically towards family, friends and community and to acquire basic knowledge nearly values and habits that are expected from an individual (Greenberg, Weissberg, Brien, Zins, Frederick s, Resnik & Elias, 2003). The essay will discuss the effects of an Extended Day and Extended Year Elementary Schools on the academic achievements of students. Moreover, it will discuss the take issueent laws and school timings that differ from state to state or from country to country. The essay will also help to evaluate the mixed factors present in other countries whose students are believed to have the highest performance rates comparatively. Theory and current interrogation using ALT Extended Learning Time (ELT) has evolved as an optional policy over the away periods, with increased interests in the future among various educational organizations. Extended learning is defined as lengthening of the school timing or period for all students studying in a particular school for enhancing the knowledge and skills by providing quality education to ensure students success. According to Farbman & Kaplan (2005), a research conducted by mammy 2020 revealed that the continuous underperfo rmance of primary and secondary public schools in the United States (US) prompted members of educational institutions to introduce programmes for enhancing the performances of the students. Thus, ELT has been one of the prefer options for various institutional organizations which help students in gaining additional knowledge during non-schooling hours (Farbman & Kaplan, 2005). A research conducted by chalkboard Project (2008) has revealed that ELT is beneficial to students who have various disadvantages or physical disabilities compared to children belonging to middle or high class societies. Moreover, the research suggested that ELT programs have been effectual during primary and secondary classes compared to middle schools. The report also revealed that ELT when compared to Extended School Year (ESY) is more cost-effective in providing quality education to students. However, in implementing ELT programmes successfully in institutional organizations, accredited factors should be considered. The factors, such as having a bold leadership style, an environment that includes teachers loading effective leadership, the programmes should be evidence based with sufficient data, engage support of parents, communities and partners along with providing focus on fundamental academics and improvement activities which are associated with other objectives and developments (Chalkboard Project, 2008). Thus, it can be stated that ELT programmes are effective, when implementing with consideration to the factors and addressing certain findings by the schools or

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Islam and Pakistan Essay Example for Free

Islam and Pakistan EssayIn the come across of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful A beautiful scene of dusk depicts a clean picture of the universe, when the sun sets, and calm and stillness engulfs the loud voices of the day, I often see the birds returning tolerate to their nests. These tiny creatures, lacking the faculty of reasoning and speech, believe that the best place ever found in the being is home. No matter how far we are from our homes, its necessity never diminishes and Mr. President, respectable teachers worthy parents and nigh fellows this is the first reason Why I love Pakistan?Pakistans creation was no doubt the finest hr of our history our forefathers who had fought for it envisioned the promise of long cherished freedom, democracy and prosperity. It is the country which was created to work for an ideal egalitarian state based on social justice as an upholder of human freedom and world peace, in which all citizens were to enjoy equal rights and f reedom from fear, want and ignorance. Dear fellows, Pakistan my homeland is in event the land of blessings. Its creation speaks its dignity.History teaches us that how much cherished the dream of Pakistan was and how seriously our fathers fought for it . believe me or not, the most significant reason of loving Pakistan is license movement itself. I know very salubrious Mr. President that the shackles of slavery snatch all such all creative facilities and the beautiful world a heaven to breathe in, turns into hell without freedom. By the grace of Allah my country, my love, my homeland offers me to enjoy the open air of independence .Being a student I have surfaced the papers of history to know about the elevated sacrifices of my forefathers and as humble token I express my gratitude to them by high-flownly announcing in public that Pakistan I love u . ,And I have millions of reasons to prove that why I love Pakistan? I was enquire a few days ago what Pakistan has done for me an d how we react when something happens down there. I am proud to say that Im Muslim, and after my religion I am most proud of the country to which I belong, Pakistan. present are some facts Pakistan is the scarce country to be founded on the basis of IslamPakistan posseses the 6th largest army in the world today. Pakistan is the single most powerful Muslim country in the world today. Pakistani pedigree Force and Army personnel train all other Muslim countries, which include most Arab nations today. Pakistan is the only Muslim country that posseses Nuclear power.I can see the bright future of Pakistan. as Quaid said. in that respect is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan. In end I would supplicate all of you to love this country as a blessing of God, stand united, guard its identity and geographical boundaries, work day and night for its better and exalted image,. Live like Ghazis and Shaheens of Iqbal, die like martyrs. I want to salute to all national heroes and my teach ers on this great day, when ever listen the best make believe Pakistan always respond Zindabad. Its high time to hold hands and say it out loud. pakistan zindabad. Salute Pakistan.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Custom Gear Inc Edited Essay Example for Free

fashion sky Inc Edited Essay1.1 INTRODUCTION AND COMPANY BACKGROUNDCustom caravan Inc., in Philadelphia, Pa., is a manufacturing business of custom make gears ranging in weight from a few ounces to over 50 pounds. The gears are made of different metals depending on the customers requirements. Over the past year 40 different types of stigma and brass alloys have been used as affectionate materials. Custom Gear sells its products primarily to engineering look for and development laboratories or very small manufacturers. Recently the president of Custom Gear decided to deliver a few larger orders for more than 100 gears. Although lower prices were accepted on these orders, they helped pay the overhead. It was effect that the large orders caused many of the small orders to wait for a long time before being military operationed. As a result some deliveries of small orders were late. This report will write on the major problems that arises from the Custom Gear operation, the potential solutions, theories that can be applied in the case study and lastly except not least the conclusion.2.1 PROBLEMSThe melodic theme cause lies within the companys policy. The company allowed the customer to transplant their design even after the proceeds process has already started. This has contributed to the delay of the production. Other than that, the operation layout was designed ineffectively and ineffectively leading to an increase in their lead-time. Several major problems are identified from the root cause such as lack of processing policy flow, lack of order policy, and ineffective and inefficient layout as well as increase rate of return due to defective product.2.1 Lack of impact Policy FlowLack of processing policy become a burden to Custom Gear where it allow the customer to changes their design even after the production process started. When the customer change the altogether blue print, the production of that product will have to stop and wait for new design and unrefined materials to be clarified and arrived which delay the whole production process.Figure 2.0 Operation Process FlowThe process in Figure 2.0 started when a customer wishes to order a gear, the order is taken by gross sales manager and marketing vice president (James Lord). The customer will specifies the type of gear, quality and fond materials want by submitting a blue print. Once the order are received, 1 copy is displace to the production supervisor (Joe Irvine), and 1 copy is sent to the controller (Sam Smith). The controller will purchase the order for the raw materials required. These materials often take from 1 to 2 weeks to arrive, depending on the supplier and the type of material ordered. afterward receiving the raw materials, the supervisor reviews the order received before the starting the milling machine. The raw material, a gear blank, is sent to the Milling Work Centre. In the Milling Work Centre the teething are cut into the contact of the ge ar according to the customers specifications. After that, the gear blanks are sent to the Drilling Works Centre, where one or more holes may be drilled in the gear. Then the gear will sent to the crunch Centre which the gear will do the finishing by put on the gear teeth and the surface of the gear. Next, the gear may be sent to Heat Treating if this operation is required by the customer. After the batch of gears is completed, they are inspected by the next available worker and shipped to the customer.

Laundry detergent Essay Example for Free

Laundry detergent Es consecrateA ballad A ballad is a rhyming narrative verse written in a form that butt be sung to music. Ballads most often use the rhyme scheme abcb. This fee-tails that in a group of four lines, the second line rhymes with the fourth one. The first and third line do non rhyme. Heres part of a ballad by William Blake (1757-1827). I have written the letters a, b, and c to simoleons the end rhymes. The Maiden caught me in the Wild,(a) Where I was dancing merrily(b) She put me into her Cabinet,(c) And Lockd me up with a prospering key. (b) Poem types write a ballad Topic ideas A time you fell in bed at first sight or thought you did.A car accident. A time you trustworthy bad news. Dont tell the reader how you felt about the news. Instead, show the details of the place and situation where you perceive the news, doing this in a way that expresses your feelings. Think of how, in movies, the camera zooms in on objects to create a mood. See if you evict do the same thing in the poem. A exposition Of Poetry What is rime? The question What is poetry used to be easier to answer. If it rhymed and had a regular meter (a type of speech rhythm), it plausibly was a poem. As they say, If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck. These days, not all poems rhyme or fit into standard forms. And if you look for a receipt to the question, What is poetry? youll find lots of musings about how extremely important and meaningful poetry is, how its the true vegetable marrow of our world, the oxygen that keeps us alive, etc. Some of this is interesting, but most of it isnt very helpful if what youre looking for is an true explanation. One grounds why its so hard to get a straight answer on the subject is that people disagree about what should and shouldnt be considered poetry.Here be any(prenominal) general differences amid poetry and prose (prose is writing thats not poetry), that you can use as a prac tical definition of poetry. Definition of poetry line structure The easiest way to recognize poetry is that it usually looks like poetry (remember what they say about ducks). While prose is organized with sentences and split ups, poetry is unremarkably organized into lines. Heres part of a poem by Robert Herrick (15911674). See how it looks like poetry? Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying And this same extremum that smiles to-day To-morrow will be dying.The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, The higher he s a-getting, The sooner will his race be run, And nearer he s to setting. Now heres the same part of the poem, organized in a paragraph as if it were prose. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying and this same flower that smiles to-day to-morrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, the higher he s a-getting, the sooner will his race be run, and nearer he s to setting. If you print a page in prose, the ends of the lines depend on where the margin is. With a bigger font size or a bigger margin, the lines are shorter.But in poetry, the poet decides where the lines end. This choice is an substantive part of how we hear and see a poem. It affects how fast or slowly we read, and where we pause when were reading. It causes certain row to stand out more than or less. It affects the way the poem looks to us on the page for example, is on that point a lot of white space, giving us a feeling of lightness and air, or are the words packed solidly together? Definition of poetry importance of physical aspects of language Poetry, more than prose, communicates through the way the words sound and way the poem looks on the page.Think of how music can make us feel things angry, irritable, peaceful, sad, triumphant. Poems naturalize in the same way, but instead of sound and rhythm created by instruments, they use the sound and rhythm of words. In songs with good lyrics, the melody combines with the words to c reate an bright feeling. Similarly, in poetry, thesound of the words works together with their meaning for more emotional impact. The look of the poem on the page adds still another dimension. Some poems have smooth shapes, some have delicate shapes, some have heavy, dense shapes.The breaks in the lines lead our eyes to certain areas. There are even poems with shapes that purposely imitate what the poem is about, for example, a poem about a peeingfall could have lines that trickle slash the page. Definition of Poetry gruelling language The words in poems are doing several jobs at the same time. They do one thing with their meaning, and another thing with their sound. Even their meaning may be operative on more than one level. An important characteristic of poetry is compression, or concentrated language. I dont mean concentrated in the sense of paying close attention.I mean it in the sense of concentrated slipstream detergent, or concentrated orange juice. A half-cup of conc entrated laundry detergent does the same work as a cup of regular detergent a poem typically gets across as much meaning as a larger amount of prose. Concentrated orange juice has the water taken out a good poem has similarly been intensified by removing the non-essential words. This is one reason why poems are often short. Definition of poetry emotional or irrational connection Prose normally talks to the logical part of the readers mind. It explains and describes things it makes sense.Poetry does all this too, but it also tends to work at an emotional or irrational level at the same time. Often, some part of a poem seems to tell directly to the readers emotions. It gives readers a peaceful feeling or an eerie feeling, goosebumps, or it makes them want to cry, even though they may not be sure why they are reacting this way. One way that poems do this is through the use of sound. Poems also tend to suggest things beyond what they actually say often what causes the strongest emoti ons is not what the poem describes, but what it make the reader imagine.Some parts of poems come like dreams from deep places in the mind that even the poet may not understand, and they touch something similarly deep in the reader. A few quotes on the definition of poetry Percy Bysshe Shelley Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar. Here, Shelley points out an important aspect of poetry, which is to find fresh ways of looking at things we think we issue well. Sir Philip Sidney Poetry is a speaking picture This idea emphasizes the physical aspect of a poem, that its a switch of artwork made out of words. Adrienne Rich Poetry is above all a concentration of the might of language, which is the power of our ultimate relationship to everything in the universe. She means concentrated in the sense of concentrated laundry detergent. Language, she says, is our way of relating to the universe. So by strengthen ing language, poetry strengthens our relationship with the universe. Jean Cocteau Poetry is indispensible if I notwithstanding knew what for.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Double Standards Every Woman Should Know Essay Example for Free

doubly Standards Every Woman Should subsist EssayFor this book analysis I chose to read a book from this list of books that hasnt been handstioned practically in class. We guide been talking about God and topics that are more controversial in society. I read the book Hes a Stud, Shes a Slut, and 49 Other Double Standards Every Woman Should Know by Jessica Valenti. This book was easy to read with Valentis short essays and thoughts on new(a) feminism, stereotypes, and heightening ones awareness to pervasive myths about women. Double standards are nothing new. Women deal with them every day. run into the common truism that women who sleep around are sluts while men are studs.None of the information was really unexpected or suprising to me because its all true. Every women is stereotyped by the personal manner she talks, the way she dresses, her personality, etc, while a man isnt really stereotyped because people think its ok for men to do the things they do, that it makes h im look like a stud not a player. The examples Valenti uses are beaten(prenominal) and widespread hes tough, shes a tomboy hes a bachelor, shes a spinster hes angry, shes PMSing hes successful, shes a showoff. possibly the most widely cited is the hes the boss, shes a bitch scenario, which has been the subject of countless editorials in the past decade.Some of the questions I was seeking to answer when reading this book were am I a feminist? What can feminism do for me? This book made me realize I am a feminist. I believe men and women should all have equal rights and opportunities. Some people may not want to admit they are feminist because they think that feminists are mean, angry, man hating, hairy, lesbians, but they really arent. In all of reality feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Some questions that have arisen are why is it that men grow distinguished and sexily gr ay as they age while women clean get saggy and haggard? Isnt it un becoming that working moms are labeled bad for focusing on their careers while we shake our heads in disbelief when we hear about the occasional stay at household dad?3a. When I was in high school, I had a reputationa bad one, she writes. It felt, at the time, like the reputationhad materialized out of nowhere. And I was confused. That experience helped to shape her fascination with how the prevailing culture puts men and women into different categories, even when they act in the exact same way. She was categorized because of her sex which wasnt fair to her, and it isnt fair to m whatsoever other women that are being categorized because of their sex. Men arent any better then women. 3b. When Valenti said Hes dating a young woman, shes a cougar? Really? I thought men were cradle robbers. Men arent studs anymore, theyre unremarkably players or, simply, douche bags. I probably agree that some double standards do exis t but I tend to think that this whole patriarchal society thing, while it is somewhat valid, is honestly most much perpetuated by women judging each other.

Friday, April 12, 2019

“Things Fall Apart” as well as West Africa and Sundiata (Sunjata) Essay Example for Free

Things Fall unconnected as soundly as double-u Africa and Sundiata (Sunjata) EssayIn this essay I will be talking ab proscribed the daybook Things Fall asunder, as wellspring as wolfram Africa and Sundiata (Sunjata). I will look at the unique personal relationships among the bulk in West Africa, and how this affected the economy and throw, especially following the infiltration of the Europeans in 1450. In analyzing the book Things Fall Apart I will further look at a fictional, nevertheless affectingly portrayed, story of look and death and drama in West Africa in the late nineteenth century. I will discuss the role of women in the book, the role of religion, and the decision-making process.The book Things Fall Apart was published in 1958 and written by Chinua Achebe as a college work. Mr. Achebe was actually born in, and grew up in, a village in Nigeria. However, the book was set in the 1890s, so the story in the book was not written as any kind of a memory of Mr. Ac hebe. The book is both entertaining and informative about tribal relations in West Africa.There is a unique relationship between the people of the equatorial rainforest, the savanna (sudan), the Sahara Desert, and the Mediterranean coast of Africa in the period down to 1450 CE. The savannah in West Africa is a climate and vegetation zone with grass and some trees. In the savannah horses could survive. This ca enjoymentd the people in the savannah to form empires.In the rain forests horses could not survive. Across the Sahara Desert, trade was conducted by the use of avant-gardes. A caravan was a source of trade across the desert. It took place broadly between Arabs and West Africans. Caravans were initially comprised of donkeys, but later came to be made up of camels. Finally, the people on the coast traded with the Europeans the things that were brought from the interior of Africa, as well as things found along the coast. Certain patters of trade and cultural influence existed i n these areas during this time period. aft(prenominal) 1450 when Europeans settlight-emitting diode along the Western coast of Africa, more Africans moved to that area. Slaves and gold were big moneymakers in the coastal villages. The people in the book Things Fall Apart lived in the coastal rain forest. Gold was broadly mined along the Gold Coast, and along the coast Africans would too help the European break ones back trade. They would go into the interior of Africa and bring other Africans out to be sold into slavery. Some coastal Africans were and so able to become rich from the pay they received from the Europeans. Many Africans died in the process of being transported inwardly Africa, and many also died during the boat transport after they left Africa.Although the role of women in Things Fall Apart is limited and mostly submissive, there is a current power of women in the book. When Chielo decreed the death of Ikemefuna she whitethorn pose had a fe phallic motive for i t. Normally she is a widow and a very commonplace woman.However, as the Priestess and the illusionist she can say what happens to other people and their lives. By forcing the death of the boy, using claims that she had the collapse of prophecy from the gods, she was able to gain control over the life of a child. In her normal life as a woman she did not have this much control. However, using her role as the vaticinator she was able to elevate her position in society above what her gender would normally allow her. Additionally, women exerted certain limited police and judicial powers over the market place. The incident of the escaped cow is a skilful example of this. When the cow escaped in Chapter 12 the women preparing for the bridal feast quickly push the subject cow back home and away from the neighboring farmers crops (Achebe). Their quick intervention, coupled with the cows possessor immediately paying the find for the cow being in another farmers crops, led to a fast di ssipation of any potential conflict entering the joyful feast. The women were able to use their womanly ways to avert attention from the fact that the cow was eating another persons crops, in order that the bridal feast could happily continue.Religion is very eventful in federation decisions in Umuofia. The gods in Umuofia made many decisions. Actually, people dressed up as gods or address on behalf of the gods made the decisions. A religion based on multiple gods, such as that in Umuofia, is called polytheism. Animism is another religion common in Africa. Animism is a religion whereby people worship and revere animals.In Umuofia there were also decisions made by people speaking simply as people. An example of this is the assemblies of male warriors. Various people speaking as people, in numerous capacities, have made decisions in West Africa, throughout history. A chieftain in West Africa is . A king in West Africa is important because the kings of Western Europe rules in Africa when they colonized West African nations and when West Africans were forced into slavery.Sometimes tribes also had kings. An emperor in West Africa is another kind of ruler within the tribal culture. The people of Igbo in Things Fall Apart did not have any Emperor or king, however. They generally dispensed justness internally, with a system of democracy among the men in the tribe. Additionally, the Igbo people had a high sense of sociable mobility and were not predestined into a certain class. (Classic Note On Things Fall Apart)There are reasons for the cardinal types of decisions making processes. When people are speaking as gods they are deferring to the decisions of the gods to actually make their own decisions. For example, when the oracle makes decisions she is probably allowing her own bias to influence what she believes the gods are telling her. When the British commissioner is speaking, he is speaking as a person for himself because he does not want to be seen as deferrin g judgment to anyone else. He wants the reference point for all of his judgments.In contrast, when people are speaking as people they take credit, as well as blame, for what it is that they are saying. They do not try to shift their opinions onto anyone else. Instead, they stand up and say what it is that they believe. The recent Christian converts and the missionaries in Things Fall Apart were speaking on behalf of themselves and their own beliefs when they spoke. They did not claim to have the gift of prophesy and speak on behalf of gods. Neither did the British commissioner when he dispensed legal expert when the British commissioner dispensed justice he spoke as a person speaking as a person, not as a person speaking for a god.In conclusion, the tribal people in West Africa were vastly affected by the infiltration of Europeans beginning in 1450. Trade had historically been do by caravan on donkeys between Arabs and West Africans, but caravans later changed to be comprised mo re of trade on horses. After 1450 Europeans were also actively involved in trade in West Africa, mostly of Gold, along the Gold Coast, and of slaves. The slave trade made many Africans rich, and many Africans initially brought other Africans out of the interior of Africa out to be sold into slavery.Religion was also affected by the colonization of West Africa by the Europeans Europeans brought Christianity to West Africa in a way that it had not been brought before by just missionaries. Additionally, justice changed dramatically when Europeans arrived. Europeans brought their own justice and their own white men to administer it. In general, Things Fall Apart showed all of these aspects of West African society in the later nineteenth century. And, importantly, Things Fall Apart served to realistically remind readers that the people in West Africa were intelligent tribal people who were hurtfully affected by British rule.REFERENCESClassic Note On Things Fall Apart. GradeSaver. 28 May. 2005 http//www.gradesaver.com/ClassicNotes/Titles/things/about.html.Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York DoubleDay Company, Incorporated, 1994.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Exam practice question and answer Essay Example for Free

psychometric test practice question and answer EssayMarketing tail assembly be positiond as an system function and a class of process foe creating, communicating and delivering determine to the client and for managing client alliance in a way that it benefits the transcription and its stakeholders. In order to understand the market moor succession and customer ask and wants, vendors command to identify the needs of the con articulationer, which is specify as the state of felt deprivation, such as yearning and self-actualization needs. Next, it advanced into wants, which is defined as the realize of human need that is shaped by culture and one-on-one personality. To satisfy ones hunger, they may opt to eat either rice or noodles depending on their p cite. Demand, the human wants that atomic number 18 backed by procureing power indicates a persons financial ability to buy their wants. Organizations need to identify its micro environs and macroenvironment to identi fy drives or actors in the business environment that can have prep are on the disposals marketing and business activities. Microenvironment of a order is made up of the company itself, its competitors, the suppliers, customers, marketing intermediaries and the publics.The publics are those people or organization that affect the subprograms of the organization. There are sevener publics in total, which is made up of financial publics, media publics, citizen-action publics, government publics, local publics, general publics and internal publics that affects the marketing operation of an organization. Financial publics are banks and insurance companies that affect the company success in obtaining loan. Macroenvironment is the larger societal force that affects the whole environment.In an organizations macroenvironment, it lie d have of demographic environment, economic environment, natural environment, technological environment, political environment and heathenish environment. Demographic environment is mainly made up of the ever-changing mature structure in the race, the changing family, geographical shift in population, better educated and white collar population and increased in heathen diversity. A changing age structure means that as a persons age grows, their needs and wants for a certain mathematical product result change according to their life cycle. aft(prenominal) identifying the environment, marketers allow undergo marketing research process. The first step of marketing research process is to define the problem and research objectives, which contains of exploratory, descriptive and causal research objectives. Next, the process go forth be continued by the development of the research scheme from secondary source and primary source. Then it will learn on the research approaches it will utilize whether it is observational, experimental, ethnographic or survey type of research.Then, it researcher will decide on the contact method through mail, telephone, personal and group interviews or online marketing research. Then it will proceed to sampling plan and research instruments like mechanical devices and questionnaire. The processes are completed by implementing the plan and report it to the management. later on research, marketers need to identify the factors that influence a consumers purchasing port. The factors that determine the buyer close are personal factors, social factors, psychological factors and cultural factors.Social factors consist of age and life cycle, reference groups and roles and status in the society. For example, according to the age and life cycle of everyone, the needs and wants of an individual differs as their age grows, an old man require a walking stick. In buying a product, consumer may pageantry one of the four buying behavior, which consist of complex buying behavior, dissonance-reducing buying behavior, habitual buying behavior and variety-seeking buying behavior depending on th e involvement and the perceived cross difference from the consumers.In buying an item, consumers may go through stages such as problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post-purchase behavior. Then, marketers will move on to the next step of the marketing process of designing customer-driven marketing strategy. To create a marketing strategy, marketers need to identify the divisions in a particular market. A market is a set of potential and actual buyers of a product. Market segmentation can be divided into four variables, which consist of geographical, demographic, psychographic and behaviorial.But then, there are some criteria in assessing the effectiveness of the segmentation by looking into the measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable and actionable in the segmented groups. After segmentation, marketers will proceed to market targeting, defined by evaluating segment attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. In evaluating market segments, marketers need to look into the segment size of it and growth, the structural attractiveness of the segment and the companys objectives and resources.The companies can decide to work a couch of market-coverage strategies such as differentiated marketing, undifferentiated marketing, concentrated marketing or micromarketing depending on the product they offers. After targeting, the company can differentiate their pass by giving superordinate value from several aspects, product, military service, character or personnel differentiation. Customer value is the difference between the benefits gain from using and owning a product and cost of obtaining it. Thus consumer tend to purchase what they perceived as the amplyest value.seller will make their offering superior than of competitors by offer more value in its current offering to justify high price or lower price to compensate for low perceived value. Organizations need to have its own marke ting offering in order to deliver value to customers. Marketing offering is a compounding of product, service, information and put through that is offered to a market to satisfy a need or wants. Product is anything that can be offered into a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a need of wants.Products are classified ad into three different levels, which consist of core products, actual product and augmented products. Next, marketer will determine whether the product falls into the different categories of the consumer markets such as convenience goods, shop goods, specialism goods and unsought goods. Or if it is industrial goods, the category of materials and parts, capital items and supplies and operate. In service, its characteristic is intangible, inseparable, perishable and variable.Price is sum of value that the customer exchanges for the benefits from using or having a product or services. The internal factors that affect determine are the marketing objectives, the marketing mix strategy, cost and organizational consideration while the external factors are market and remove, competitors price and offer and other factors such as economic conditions and government regulations. Some of the approaches in pricing are cost-based pricing, value-based pricing and competition-based pricing and price skimming and penetration for unfermented innovative products. onward motion is an act that persuades the publics about the products or brands merits. In influencing the consumers to buy its products, marketers can utilize integrated marketing chat tools such as advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotion and public relation. For example, marketer can use sales promotion in the form of tools such as coupons, rebates and discounts that act as sort-term incentives to build add-in value to encourage people to buy it products. The next tool is place where it describes how the product is made available to cust omer.Marketer can examine the number of marketing intermediaries where it consists of intensive distribution, exclusive distribution and selective distribution. For example, the goods that run on intensive distributions are normally fast moving consumer goods that are stocked in as many outlets as possible. It is available anywhere and anytime. Process involves the process that is part of the service. For example, if a car owner who experience poor customer service during one of his regular service, then he or she will non recommend the company to others and is less likely to rebuy the brand.People in an organization determine the success of the organizations process in delivering superior value and satisfaction. Example, a lack-trained employee may mislead a customer into buying the wrong needs. Physical evidence is the quality of services in physical feature the customer can see, such as brochures and facilities. Without the presence of lecture halls, one could doubt the presence of the university whether it is a place for academic learning. In construction profitable customer relationship, one must look into the customer satisfaction, which is defined as customer evaluation of the product orservice feature, or the product or service itself. Customer satisfaction prompt repeat purchase thusly is important. Satisfaction is influenced by the customers past buying experience from the company or its competitors, the information given and promises by the company or its competitors and what the customer thinks of a fair value in the price they paid. Feedbacks, mystery shoppers and exit interviews set a platform to improve the customer satisfaction which then strengthens the bond between the company and the customer thus leading to higher customer loyalty.After accessing satisfaction, marketers need to concern by building and maintaining profitable customer relationship by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. Retaining current customer relationshi p is cheaper than to attract new customer. In retaining customers, marketers can implement club and frequency marketing program to strengthen bonds with the customers. By building strong customer relationship, a company can capture value from customer in the form of loyalty, profits and the spread of word of mouth from them.When the company produces superior value to the customers, most likely it will generate high customer satisfaction. High satisfaction lead building long lasting relationship with the customer gaining the loyalty of these customers in a long period, profits will eventually grow. Companies aim to pass lifetime customer value, share of customer and customer equity from the customers.. All in all, by creating, delivering superior value and developing a strong customer profitable relationship, one can achieve returns like profits and sales, a monetary return and brand loyalty from the loyal customers.Q3. The six forces in an organizations macroenvironment is cultural environment, political environment, economic environment, technological environment, demographic environment and natural environment. Demographic environment is based on the utility of demography, which is defined as the study of human population in cost of size, religion, occupation, age, sex and education. The changing age structure of the population is one of the factors that affect the macroenvironment.People of different age have different wants and needs and will continue to change as their age varies. The increase in aging population because of low birth rates and higher life expectancy has change the strike for certain products in the market. For example, youths wants products that match their lifestyle of cool and adventurous like game consoles, skateboards and smartphones while those shaver boomers typically in their 50s now wants products like vacation, massage chair and antique vase. Geographical shift in population is also one of the factors.It can be categorized in to movement between states, movement from agricultural to urban areas and movement from city to suburbs and back again. For example, the need for air-conditioning is more likely to be in demand in the Northern Territory, which is very hot than the demand in Sydney, which is cooling. A better-educated and more white-collar population has trigger the demand for formal attires such as a suit and corporate skirt. Next, an increasing of ethnic diversity in Malaysia has trigger the rising demand for wasabi and rice from the Japanese population that migrated to Malaysia.Every group of people has their specific wants depending on their attitude, behavior and buying habits too. Q6. Consumer product is made up of convenience products, shopping products, specialty products and unsought products. Convenience products are consumer products and services that the customer usually buys frequently, immediately and with minimum affinity and buying effort. It can be relate to habitual buying behavio r too when the purchase of a product is made without much consideration and it is cheap despite widely available.Examples are washing pulverise and broom. Shopping products are less frequently purchased consumer products and services that customers compare carefully on suitability, price, quality and style. Consumers drop considerable amount of time and effort to access information about the products. It is classified as in complex buying behavior. Examples are television and laptops. Specialty products are consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase purpose.It is classified under the buying behavior of complex buying behavior and dissonance reducing buying behavior. This phase of product is purchase without much comparison with other brands. Examples are a Gucci handbag and a luxury car. Unsought goods are consumer products and services that the consumers either doesnt know about it or knows but do not consider buying it. These products need intensive marketing such as promotions and advertising. Examples are funeral services and life insurance.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Hardware maintenance for checking the regular running equipments Essay Example for Free

Hardware maintenance for checking the regular rivulet equipments Essay periodic replacement of hardware resources to keep it according to changing atmosphere (e. g. developmental curriculum revisions) system software product also requires timely maintenance (fixing bugs, developing newer versions, revisions, etc) reports must be seriously check for their correlation with system requirements (creating error logs, testing strategies, performance measures, etc) Maintenance and updation of system documentation for future name and updations. Remedial maintenance It is performed to bring the system to running condition after correcting the hardware or software fault (Mawer, 2000).The remedial service is likely to include Create a Help Desk concept which go away log and action any reports from the customer in the event of a fault. On-site or outside login concept of issue resolution. Engaging a third party service to resolve and manage the resolution. update documentation ein truth time an event has interpreted place. In this case both the technical and non-technical supply must be made aware of the support strategies so that their response time is optimized for better discussion the issues of the customer timely and profession each(prenominal)y. 1. Sequence of activitiesIt includes the activities which must take place in sequence Activity (Tasks) date (Days) Preceded By A Working out the feasibility of the system 1 _ B Collection of training from different groups and creating data flow diagrams 3 A C Internal review of information unruffled and its validity with the management 2 B D Identifying the traffichips between the entities 3 C E throttle the degree of interaction between entities 2 D F Creating E-R Model and establishing cardinality ratios with distributed feature taken into tarradiddle (as the Center has 5 sub locations in the city) 2 D,E.G Identifying Functional dependencies and others and then Normalization of relations 1 F H Con verting the normalized relations to tables in database 2 G I Creating primary primal and foreign key relationships and implementing business rules apply integrity constraints 1 H J Creating interfaces and report times techniques 3 I K Connecting the database tables with the interfaces and distributing the application to become geographical independent 3 J L Testing the system 2 K M Implementing the system across locations 2 L N Create maintenance plans and documentations 1 L,M.O Final review report after installation 1 L,M,N Advantage to the Bead classify The merits of the technology would envelope the very nature of the technology which the enterprise needfully to focus. The following are the various advantageous factors The Bead Bar would get a global perception and would be accepted by all. It would create trust and confidence in the eyes of the people. Having an internet website would name possible that it markets itself to the global pool of the internet and gets acces sible quite possibly.Customers posterior access it online and order for leveraging of products and services. The store would be able to reach a greater domain of customers so that it can be a good source for expanding their business. The store would require less budget for marketing as the website, in the form of information system would get the direct and indirect marketing done by itself. It can also reduce the human errors of wrong deliveries and other think factors. Computerized system would make it error-free and would enhance greater satisfaction of service (Hoffer, 2002). It can also generate revenue by marketing other related companies and their products in their website space. It can render services to other companies via its website so that other businesses can purchase its products in bulk for their enterprise requirements facilitating B2C model of ecommerce. Payment systems can be made quite secure so that customers can pay online and are not troubled by the in-h and payments. The Bar would have enough weapon to track their product list and its availability so that timely action can be taken to update. The customers get a greater facility to compare products and judge the best one before fetching them. Physically doing so would have taken them a lot of effort and time. Conclusion Bead Bar has taken a right step in the light of technology and it must exploit the very supreme nature of the latest technology. It has taken a great step which would place it above all its competitors and would enhance the very nature of competition. It must also take care of the innovative techniques for getting the customers using the website and the frequent updations that would make efficient handling of the information.The use of information system would make the Jewelry superstore trick out and restructure itself so that it is able to depict organizational thought in every activity and would bobby pin every resource productively and optimally.References/ Bibliography Barry Mawer (2000). Systems Maintenance. Hoffer A. Jeffrey (2002). Modern systems analysis and design, third edition. Pearson Education Korth (2002). Database Management systems. Navathe Elmasri (2002). Fundamentals of Database systems, quarter edition. Pearson Education.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Should college athletes be paid Essay Example for Free

Should college jockstraps be paid set aboutAlthough the majority of college athletes hasten scholarships, I believe that they should be paid. In this speech I will herald you why I believe this.The first reason I turn out are scholarships. On bonny a Division 1 scholarship is $25,000. Thats $100,000 a year But most athletes beginnert last the full 4 years. Once a player is involved in a sport theres politics, injuries and/or learnes calling them to the office to tell them that they arent needed anymore. umpteen players turn out to eat a scholarship for only a year or 2 and then transfer to a different school which may turn out to be wear out in the end. It may seem like a lot of currency but it only covers the basics, such(prenominal) as mysterious, unknown university fees, tuition, housing, a meal-plan, and multiple hundred long horse textbooks. Some players, if they come from a low-income household, fasten a few hundred dollars each semester from Pell Grants whic h enable them to buy chicken soup instead of chicken-flavored ramen. Says Tyson Hartnett, a writer and Professional Basketball Player, October 21, 2013.Opposite of what everyone else thinks, being a college athlete is a full clip job. On a typical day they wake up a little earlier than what they have to, to maybe call for a morning practice or conditioning session before classes. after school they go to afternoon practices that could last hours, go to mandatory study hall and then get home to finish any homework that they have and/or study for a test. College athletes also have to juggle a job on top of that, if they are even lucky enough to have time for one. The only thing with jobs is that they would have to quit them as soon as the season started up. Scholarships wear offt equal cash in a players pocket. Even with any pillowcase of scholarship, college athletes are typically dead broke. Tyson Hartnett, October 21, 2013. There are people that say being an athlete is a choice and if they cant handle all that is being piled on their plate that they should quit. And I register what theyre saying but its hard to give up something that you love so easily.My skepticism is Who makes money off of these near-professional level athletes? First, their own coaches. Many coaches earn at least $100,000 per year to coach one of the major sports like baseball, basketball game, or football at a school. These coaches will receive bonuses for getting to the playoffs,winning championships, or breaking school records. Tyson Hartnett, October 21, 2013. You know what athletes receive as a bonus? Nothing. indorsement is the NCAA. Recently, the NCAA and CBS signed a $10.8 billion television agreement over 14 years. The NCAA is also considered a non-profit company. thirdly and lastly the athletic programs. On October 21, 2013 Huffington Post.com said The universities bring in anywhere from hundreds, thousands or even millions of dollars to their athletic programs each year. Most if not all from donations, ticket sales, media rights, advertising, and everything else with a price tag. These athletes are symbols for their school and their program.On the other side of this topic, not all sports teams are profitable. The less popular sports like swimming, tennis, or volleyball dont bring the University a lot of income. Obviously the more popular sports like basketball and football make up for the lost revenue. Most of yall could be thinking why would we pay athletes if entire teams are struggling to survive? We would pay athletes because when President Theodore Roosevelt helped create the NCAA in 1906, he had no idea what it would grow into. At first, it was a great place to watch athletes play sports magic spell making sure the rules were being followed. But now in the 21st century, the NCAA is a billion dollar company. why hasnt anything changed? Because the decision makers have the mentality of, This is the way its always been.Theyre scared to make am endments, even when its necessary. Tyson Hartnett, October 21, 2013. Im not saying we should pay them $5,000 or even $10,000 a semester. Im on the dot saying maybe at the most $1,000 a semester. This would allow them to go out to watch a movie once in a while, get something for dinner other than ramen noodles, and teach them how to manage their money responsibly. I get that most athletic programs cant afford that on their own, so thats why the NCAA should propose a way to start paying them. Athletes earn their schools hundreds of thousands of dollars, increase enrollment, and if they do well, propose a recruiting piece for generations. Top NCAA executives are getting $1 million per year while an athlete cant earn $50 from signing a few autographs. The NCAA prevents student-athletesfrom allowing their likeness to be employ for promotional purposes. Tyson Hartnett, October 21, 2013. Theres only one thing I can say to this Why?

Groups, Teams, and Conflict Essay Example for Free

Groups, Teams, and Conflict EssayStrategiesThere are various strategies available to serve in effective squad building. One step is developing a recruiting strategy that supports the establishments renewal goals. Volunteering time to organizations that serve the needs of underrepresented segments of the population is another expression to enhance your companys reputation as an employer that values sort. Another step that brook be used is by registering the organization with local job agencies, such as the local Workforce Center. The organization back tooth also come home universities, trade schools and other academic institutions with information about the company and keep them informed of job openings they can post for graduating students. Organizations can also create partnerships with national and local organizations to promote the companys image.It can also help to participate in industry events, and include employees in the companys occurrent workforce who represen t various forms of diversity. The organization should not limit its definition of diversity to race, color, sex, national tooth root or religion but should expand its concept of diversity to include multi-generational diversity as nearly as diversity in work styles and cultures. One of the most important strategies is to construct work teams with diversity in mind. Whenever possible, the organization should assign employees to work on teams to spend a pennyher who otherwise would not have the prospect to work together. They should assemble bases of people who represent varied work styles, generations, skills and culture and encourage collaboration and synergism among employees through embracing differences (Huebsch, 2013).ChallengesOne of the biggest challenges with diversity is misconception. Most people associate the word diversity with multi ethnic issues, but it also coversthe differences in age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, background, and even position of power. Fai ling to recognize this can conduce in accidental discrimination against certain groups. Several types of workplace diversity challenges exist. These issues can strengthen a company or ruin one. Communication is essential to diversity in the workplace.Every person and cultural group communicates differently, which can be the biggest challenge of a diversified team. Sometimes employees misinterpret tone, e-mails, and body language, and collapse to respond appropriately. Employees that resist change can be a significant diversity barrier. If someone has been raise a certain way, it can be difficult to adapt overnight. Having one resistant employee can sling off the organizations balance. An organization benefits more when its manager is on board with major decisions for maximal results. Diversity pull up stakes not work without a supportive manager (Holt, 2013).ConclusionThe best way for an organization to determine which strategy works best for, is by looking at the success of t he team and ultimately how the organization benefits from the teams work. As we all know, there will be challenges with any team/group because you have different people from different backgrounds, different personalities, and different outlooks on life. However, if the organization can get distributively member to recognize that their success ultimately depends on the success of the company, I believe that the diversity of the group will no longer be a primary issue. Instead each team member will begin to pay more attention to the work and less about the differences of each team member in regard to themselves. Once the organization begins to benefit from the teams success, it will be evident that the strategy chosen is a success.ReferencesHolt, M. (2013). Workplace Diversity Challenges. Retrieved from http//smallbusiness.chron.com/create-diverse-workplace-10154.html Huebsch, R. (2013). Workplace Diversity Strategy. Retrieved from http//smallbusiness.chron.com/workplace-diversity-st rategy-4925.html

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Teenager and Technology Essay Example for Free

Teenager and Technology EssayComputer Science As it always be defined, Computer Science is the systematic study that deals with the theory and methods of processing information in digital computers, the initiation of devices hardware and software, and the applications runned by the operating system. Although the fact that made it the most sophisticated technology since the industrial revolution, near social and ethical issues need attention from the software developers. Computer technology is doubleedged sword, it is either positive and negative in some cases because of the social impact that it brought in our society. Many cases have been subjects of unadulterated debates, the main one is privacy.A loss of privacy is one of the social issue that we have been transaction with during these 10 past years. For example, the positive and negative side of cameras all around us used to command on our daily activities, this could be good for our safety but can also be abominable b ecause it violate somebodys private life. Firstly, individuals personal data can be tracked and gained by databases, spyware and cookies, which give providers wider chances to access personal information. The WWW servers can create extensive log of the users who are accessing the web.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Starbucks Motivation Strategy: Case Study

Starbucks motif Strategy Case StudyNowadays, the competition becomes much extreme because speedy globalization in the recent years, especially for the service industry with the similar products. The just ab issue vital particular for blood to success is not only the quality of products they supply, but the atmosphere of cooperating and the amount from yield of team fashion in retail sales. The employees who al moods touch with customers and can realize what customers rattling need be first-line staffs. Therefore, it turns to be of the essence(p) for companies to impress, yield and train their employees to be the best quality personnel.In the first stage, the historical background of Starbucks study be introduced. Secondly, an issue close to the methods of motivating employees be going to discuss. Next, the strategies, which atomic number 18 used by Starbucks to cultivate their team employ carrying out tumesce, leave alone be pointer out. In the end, at that place is a conclusion about the progeny of policies in motivating and teamwork.Managers ar constantly prying for ways tocreate a motivational surround where associates(employees) to work at their optimal take aims toaccomplish partnership objectives. Workplacemotivators include some(prenominal) monetary and non-monetaryincentives. financial incentives can be diverse termhaving a similar effect on associates. One exercising ofmonetary incentives is vulgar funds provided through with(predicate) with(predicate) joining pension plans or insuranceprograms. Because it has been suggested thatassociates, depending on their age, admit different need pertaining to incentives, conventional incentivepackages argon being replaced with alternatives to win younger associates.This paper call for discuss how monetary and non-monetary incentives are influenced by career stages and the problems associated with monetaryand non-monetary incentives.How the entire total reward and human be ing resources (HR) systems at Starbucks are linked to the business objectives and reinforce the companions strong culture and ranges. Working in mutual financial backing of the business, the culture, and values, this integrated HR system has helped shape a tycoonful success story that didnt swan on conventional designateing and trends with respect to the treatment of its workforce.Part 2 Setting the SceneA Brief History of StarbucksStarbucks Coffee Company, as we populate it today, began in 1987, when Howard Schultz, the current chairman and CEO, acquired the assets from the original founders, whom he had worked with from 1982 to 1985. In 1987, Starbucks had 11 stores. The original business plan, and promise to the investors, was to expect 125 stores within five years.From 1987 to 1992, the company remained private, growing at the astonishing rate of 80% per year to to a greater extent than 150 stores. In June 1992, the company went public, and it was one of the most successf ul initial public affirmings of the year. Today, Starbucks is the jumper lead retailer, roaster, and brand of specialty coffee in North America. It operates more than 1,800 retail locations in North America, the United Kingdom, and the Pacific Rim and has established joint-venture partnerships with Breyers (to modernize coffee ice cream) and PepsiCo (to produce Frappuccino, a bottled coffee drink). Sales for fiscal year 1997 were $967 million, an increase of just about 39% over the previous year, and the company employed more than 25,000 partners (the companys term for employees). The company goal is to take for more than 2,000 locations in North America by the year 2000. The company mission is to establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world spot maintaining our uncompromising principles as we grow.Starbucks Culture and Values The driver of HR and Reward SystemsStarbucks is a values-driven company, with a firmly established set of principles that are widely dual-lane within the organization. It is too a company that puts its employees first and invests a tremendous amount in them. no(prenominal) of this is by accident. Source Wilson, Thomas, B., Rewards That Drive High Performance, Amazon, New York, 1999. www.wilsongroup.com 1It all stems from the values and beliefs of its CEO. Says Schultz, I cherished to establish the kind of company that gave people a form of equity (ownership) and comprehensive health insurance, and most grievously, give them self-esteem in the workplace. People regain that Starbucks is a place that gives them self-respect and values the contributions they make, regardless of their education or where they are in the company. The company believes that if it puts partners first, the result provide be exceptional customer service, and by extension, if it has highly satisfied customers, the financial returns volition follow.The history of StarbucksStarbucks began by three friends, Jerry Baldwi n, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker, who knew each an new(prenominal)(prenominal)wise in the University of Seattle. In 1971, the first name of their store is Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spice in Seattle, Washingtons Pike Place Market. They occupied in making profit from selling coffee beans roasted to individual customers and restaurants. Until 1982, they had increased the number of stores to four. During the aforesaid(prenominal) cessation, a sales representative of the house ware business in New York, Hammerplast, visited them. Howard Schultz wanted to know why a small company needs a large number of percolators from Hammerplast. Because of the trade race surrounded by these two companies, he was acquainted with the three inventors. afterward he realized the atmosphere and purlieu of the company, he decided to be a part of Starbucks, so as a director of merchandising and retail sales.In the following year, he had a vocation to Milan, Italy. Though the time, he experienced an but different coffee culture from the United States. The culture of Italian caf had been one part of peoples daliy life. There were many coffee bars around the area and the public usually liked to socialize in a coffee bar. Under those circumstances, Schultz had an idea of a new flavor of caf and a stylish environment to communicating with friends.After the trip, he prepared the business plan for his vision. However, the three initiators did not want to transfer their business into restaurant industry. Consequently, in 1985 he chose to establish a new coffee shop, named II Giornale, in Seattle. After the next two years, due to the successful system of Schultz, the original three owners of Starbucks decided to sell their sight to Schultz. Then Schultz gathered other investors and took over the name of II Giornale to Starbucks. He sought to pursue his woolgather to make everyone taste his coffee, so he chargeed on the rate of expanding. At that time, he though that the most effi cient way to grow the amount of branches is to set up new stores in other places. In I987, Starbucks had the first overseas store in Japan.In the subsequent years, owing to the rising expenses with the global broadening, there was a deficit in Starbucks for the next three years. In contrast, he firmly believed that not to sacrifice huge-term integrity and values for short-term profit (Michelli, 2006). In 1991, it turned loss into elevate and its sales grew up sharply to 84 percent. Until the end of 2002, Starbucks has checked from 17 stores to 5,688 spreading over 30 countries in by this strategy, it is an over 300 times growing in these ten years (shown as Exhibit 1) From Fortune magazine, Starbucks was ranked the 11th best company to work for in 2005 in the regular army and then risen up in 2006 to 29th. As to 2007, it was ranked as the 16th best. In the same year, Starbucks was also voted as one of the top ten UK workplaces by the Financial Times. (Resource wikipedia)Part 3 literature ReviewDefinition of penuryMotivation is one of the most important aspects of an individualsb eh av io r that determines not only how individual be nurses and thinks but also ways in which he / she interacts with others and influences them. Motivation is derived from the word motives. The word motive is derived from Latin word movere, which means to move or to energize. Thus motivation actives us and directs our behavior to a particular goal.According to Armstrong (2002 P.56) states thatPeople wont change their behaviour unless it makes a difference tothem to do soManagers are individuals who achieve their goals through other people. They are constantly searching for ways to motivate their employees to make them work at their optimal level of performance to accomplish the company objective. Various incentives are provided by the managers to their employees for motivation. The incentives that are provided by the mangers to their employees can be broadly classified as mon etary incentives and non-monetary incentives.2.1 Comparison of monetary and non-monetary incentivesThe purpose of monetary incentives is to reward associates for polished play performance through money. financial incentives include profit sharing, project bonuses, stock resources and warrants, memoriald bonuses (e.g., Christmas and performance-linked), and additional paid vacation time. Traditionally, these prevail helped maintain a positive motivational environment for associates. Monetary incentives can be diverse while having a similar effect on associates. One example of monetary incentives is mutual funds provided through company pension plans or insurance programs. Because it has been suggested that associates, depending on their age have different needs pertaining to incentives, traditional incentive packages are being replaced with alternatives to attract younger associates. On the other hand, the purpose of non-monetary benefits is to reward excellent stock performan ce through opportunities. Non-monetary incentives include flexible work hours, training, pleasant work environment, and sabbaticals.2.2 Problems with monetary incentivesManagements have always looked at man as an animal to bemanipulated with a carrot and stick. They found that when a man is lured/hurt, he go out move to get the prize/avoid the pain-and they say, Were motivating the employees. Hell you are not motivating them, you are moving them.*-Frederick Herzberg, Professor EmeritusMonetary incentives usually encourage ossification and acquisition of difficult targets instead of encouraging creativity, innovation and foresight which are more important in the huge run. Thus employees are not able to express their true talent and in the long run lose their creativity. Employers also may use monetary incentives as an extrinsic rather than an integral motivator. In other words, associates are driven to do social functions just for the monetary reward versus doing something beca use it is the right thing to do. This can disrupt or terminate good relationships betweenemployees because they are transformed from co-workers to competitors, which can quick disrupt the workplace environment. Another problem with monetary incentive is that it is given to circumvent a bigger problem for a short run. Sales employees are given higher(prenominal)(prenominal) monetary incentives to compensate for short counselling and poor products, employees are paid more for working in poor work environment. Monetary incentives can even drive the employees to falsely reporting their achievements. Huge monetary incentives given to middle mangers are seen as a hook to retain them which may make them work counterproductively. Though the monetary incentives have a break off effect than the monetary incentives in the short run, they fail miserably in the long run and in extreme situations downfall of the company (when employees start anticipating monetary incentives even for routine tricks and in absence of which they start working inefficiently or go on a strike as in the topic of some government employees). Also most of the non-monetary incentives are intrinsic in nature. inborn motivation is more effective as the impetus to work is from within. Employees are working because they feel satisfied or fulfilled by the activity they undertake. Under these circumstances the management can be regarded as more of a support than control. So managers should concentrate more on non-monetary incentives after the minimum level of monetary benefits and properly structure them according to their employees preference. This will fit high motivational level of the employees which will get reflected in their better performance at work.2.3 Theories which support intrinsic motivationVarious theories that support the concept that intrinsic motivation which is attained through non-monetary incentives is important and better than extrinsic motivation are as followsMaslows Hierarc hy of needsThis surmise states that the needs of social, esteem and self actualisation are higher order needs. The differentiation between the higher order needs and lower order needs is that the higher order needs are satisfied at the individual level whereas the lower order needs are satisfied externally.Herzbergs two-factor theoryIt supports the emphasis on factors associated with work like promotional opportunities, opportunities for personal growth, acquaintance, responsibility, and achievement which employees find intrinsically rewardingMcClellands Theory of NeedsThis theory centeres on three needs achievement, power and affiliation. They are defined as followsNeed for achievement The drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards, to strive to succeed.Need for power The need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwiseNeed for affiliation The desire for friendly and closely interpersonal relationships.cognitive evaluation theoryT his theory states that allocating extrinsic rewards for behaviour that had been rewarding intrinsically leads to decrease in overall level of motivation. Thus it supports the view that it is better to cover intrinsic motivation to boost the morale of employees.Goal-Setting theoryThis theory supports the idea that specific and difficult goals with feedbacklead to higher motivation and performance.Self-efficacy theory(Social cognitive theory)It is the individuals belief that a task assigned can be done. Higher the self efficacy higher is the confidence of the employee at the workplace.Reinforcement theoryThis theory states that the behaviour is a function of its consequences. If employees feel that their efforts are duly rewarded then they will work in a more effective manner for the judicature.Equity theoryThis theory states that individuals compare their job inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond to eliminate any inequities. If their colleagues are given recogn ition employees will work towards achieving those rewards. This motivates them to perform them to work better which beneficial to the organisation.Expectancy theoryThe strength of a design to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. Thus when expectations from a employee increases the employee responds with better performance.From the above theories (however different they may be) it is clear that intrinsic motivation is craved by the employees.2.4 Intrinsic Motivation by non-monetary incentivesVarious non-monetary incentives motivate employees intrinsically which is more efficient than the extrinsic motivation. The intrinsic motivation that these incentives offer is the result of intrinsic rewards of self management.Self managementIn employees perspective self-management is choosing activities, supervise competence, committing to purpose and monitoring ha ppen. The intrinsic motivation that energises the work comes directly from the four management events namely activities, purpose, opportunities and rewards. From these four events the employees make a judgement -of the meaningfulness of the task purpose, the degree of choice available in selecting activities, the competence with which the activities are performed, and the amount of progress being made to the task purpose. The judgements from self-management lead to intrinsic rewards which in turn provide the energy for self- management which completes the cycle.OPPORTUNITYACCOMPLISHMENTRewardsRewardsFrom taskACTIVITIESFrom taskPURPOSE experience of meaningfulnessIt is the opportunity that makes the employees feel that they are on a path that is worth the energy and time-that they are on a valuable mission that matters in the larger scheme of things.Sense of choiceIt is the opportunity that the employees feel to select task activities that make finger to them and to perform them in ways that seem appropriate to them. The feeling of choice is the feeling of being drop off to choose-of being able to use their judgement and act out of their own understanding of taskSense of competenceIt is the act that employees feel in skilfully performing task activities that have been chosen by them. The feeling of competence involves the virtuoso that they are doing good, high-quality work on a task.Sense of PROGRESSIt is the achievement felt in achieving the task purpose. The feeling of progress involves the sense that the task is moving forward, and their activities are really accomplishing something.It is the accomplishment felt in achieving the task purpose. The feeling of progress involves the sense that the task is moving forward, and their activities are really accomplishing something.2.5 Non-monetary incentivesThe non-monetary incentives desired by employees crossways generations have gone rapid changes. The following table shows the preferences in non-monetary i ncentives across generations.Baby Boomers(born between 1946-63)Generation Xers(born between 1964-81)Generation Yers(born after 1982)Retirement planning conciliatory agendasJob trainingSabbaticalsFlexible schedules headmaster developmentFeedbackTangible rewardsWork environmentFlexible schedules lord developmentFeedbackTangible rewardsWork environmentAttentive EmployersAutonomy flurry 2 Preferences in non-monetary incentives across generationsThus it is obvious that the demands of the current generation of employees are ever increasing and in current scenario where there is low loyalty to the companies, high attrition rate these demands have to be met reasonably well to attract prospective employees who can perform really well and to retain the employees.3. PRACTICES IN ORGANISATIONSVarious non-monetary incentives in Table 1 are affected by career stage and proximity to retirement. The older the associate, the more the focus is placed on retirement or supplementing retirement income with part-time or temporary jobs. The younger the associate, the more the focus is placed on job satisfaction and the work environment.Types of non-monetary incentivesVarious types of non-monetary incentives are as followsFlextimeProfessional developmentFeedbackTangible rewardsWork environmentAttentive employersAutonomyRedesigning of jobsRetirement planning and others.3.1 FlextimeFlextime refers to several arrangements that leave behind the employee to work a non-traditional schedule. The employee and the manager agree in advance on the hours of work. Flextime is a popular option for good reasonit lends balance to busy lives. Fortunately, flextime also benefits the manager too. Allowing employees to work schedules that best suit their lives results in more productive workers. The most common flextime arrangements includeCompressed workweekThis arrangement allows the employees to work a full, 40-hour schedule in 4 days by extending the hours they work each day. The compressed week c an also be scheduled over 2 workweeks, during which they work 9 longer days and have the tenth off. In any case, the compressed workweek maintains the same overall number of hours, just divided up differently. The workload, benefits, and overcompensate are not affected by the arrangement.Adjusted dejeunerWorking an adjusted lunch schedule doesnt actually allow any additional days off. Instead, he employees can take a longer lunch each day, making up the hours at the beginning or end of the day. For example, he manager may allow the employee to take your lunch from 11-1 so that the latter can run errands, go to a doctors appointment, or work out, but in exchange the employee works that additional hour at the beginning or end of your day. This sort of arrangement may be an unofficial privilege of every worker, especially if its used only occasionally.Core hoursNext to the compressed workweek, this is the most popular scheduling strategy because of the flexibility it offers. With th is schedule, an employee can work certain hours every day, and as long as the schedule is build around the work time specified. For instance, if the core hours are 10-3, the employee must work 10-3 every day, but the kickoff and ending times can vary. The employee may choose to work 10-6, or 7-3, or any other combination as long as those core hours are covered. If the employee maintains the same total number of hours, your workload, benefits, and pay remain the same.FlexiblehoursCommoncoreLunchCommoncoreFlexiblehours6 A.M 9 A.M12 noon1 P.M3 P.M6 P.MFigure 2 Example of a Flextime scheduleThe only problem with flextime is that it cant be extended to employees involved in production as the work time also depends on the machines which have to be run continuously for a certain period of time. Problems may arise if flextime is offered to employees of other departments and not to those of production department. So it is better not to introduce flextime in organisations where it cant be e xtended to all the departments.3.2 Professional developmentIn a broad sense professional development may include formal types of vocational education, typically post-secondaryor polytechnic training leading to qualification or acredentia l required to get or retain employment. Informal or differentiate programs of professional development may also include the concept of personalcoaching. Professional development on the job may develop or enhance process skills, sometimes referred to as leadership skills, as well as task skills. almost examples for process skills are effectualness skills, team functioning skills, and systems thinking skills. Some examples of task skills are computer software applications, customer service skills and safety training. Examples of skills relevant to a currentoccupation are leadership training for managers and training for specific techniques or equipment for educators,technicians, metal workers,medicalpractitionersand engineers. For some occupations there is a planning foraccreditation tied to continuing professional education and proving competenceregulated by a professional body.103.3 FeedbackPeople dont quit organisations, they quit bosses. This can be extended to colleagues too. Improper communication, negative relationship, backbiting etc can lead to inefficiency and counter productivity. To overcome this, organisations are adopting feedback culture. It is the culture wherein all the employees are taught the skills of effectively receiving and grownup feedback which is the degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job results in the employee obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness in their job performance. This includes proclaiming each other frankly, honestly and effectively what they think about their behaviour, job performance, ideas etc. Employees prefer being told what others think about them directly instead of in the round about way and they like being given feedback to self evaluate their performance. They also would like to frankly tell their bosses the various problems and issues faced by them. Feedback is of two types positive and negative. Positive feedback improves the morale of the telephone receiver and negative feedback improves the performance of the receiver. Poor feedback can reduce morale, the ability to do the job, confidence of employees and can even lead to conflicts between the management and the employees. Hence great care has to be taken while giving and receiving feedback. So when both the managers and the employees acquire these skills of giving and receiving feedback the feedback culture works out well for the company. The following factors are to be considered while giving feedbackMake feedback specificAmbiguity and vagueness will make feedback ineffective as the receiver competency miss out the whole point. It should be made sure that there is no personality clank between the giver and receiver. Both of them should be comfortable with the way the feedback is being given and neither of them should feel attacked or offended. To do away with these problems the feedback has to be specific.Concentrate on behaviour and resultsFeedback should concentrate on behaviour, results and proximo prospective and not on personality and attitudes so that the receiver gets the desired message in the desired manner.Take responsibilityThe manager/employee should take the initiative of giving feedback rather than putting the blame on others saying that it is not their job. Most often it is due to lack of skills and unwillingness to give feedback. Employees should also be encouraged to take responsibility as there is lot of emphasis on teamwork and empowerment in present days organisations which are becoming flat.Balanced feedbackFeedback has to be balanced and accurate. Overstating or understating results will lead to ineffectiveness of feedback.Feedback on periodic basisFeedback has to be on a periodic basis quite on weekly basis. Delay in giving feedback will render it ineffective.Similarly while receiving feedback the receiver has to listen attentively to all what is said, analyse the feedback and take remedial action.Though difficult to establish, feedback culture promotes teamwork, job satisfaction, employee empowerment, improvement in job performance and so is preferred by most of the employees.3.4 Tangible rewardsIt is important to understand how different groups of employees perceive the total reward package offered by the organisation, particularly if the marketing sawing machine Perception is Reality were to be recalled. If the employee doesnt understand the total reward package, how can employee value it? And how can it motivate he employee to perform?Therefore, there is a need to gain an understanding of how managers and employees perceive reward, and, in the case of the of age(p) Management Team, where they think reward should focus? Perception of reward can be researched victi misation the following toolSenior Management Team BrainstormIt is always important to involve the Senior Management Team (SMT) in Total Reward policy development. It is best to involve them from the outset to ensure that they understand and contribute to what you are doing. The key reason for conducting management interviews or focus groups is to gain buy-in from those who will be accountable for implementing the strategy. Interviews can help identify the information that managers will find useful, and begin to develop an action plan. This should focus on the big picture and on priorities, not on detail. Top teams (or other senior groups) are likely to be unen gum olibanumiastic about detailed level definitions. The specific organisation and style of the debate will depend on the make-up of the team and the nature of the facilitators relationship with it. The focus will be on discovering either what really matters to people who work here? or found on the kind of people you want to work here, what do you think would really matter to them? The focus in each case will be on discovering either what really matters to people who work here? or based on the kind of people you want to work here, what do you think would really matter to them? bullion vs. Tangible RewardsWhy Do Merchandise and other Tangible Rewards strike Better Than Cash?Perks programs feature custom-designed rewards catalogues with highly desirable and attainable merchandise as rewards. Our reward items are memorable and reinforce the relationship between the reward earner and the reward provider. They keep on giving each time a merchandise reward is viewed or noticed recipients relive the special recognition and appreciate the organization that honoured them.Cash rewards on the other hand, often have fleeting impact and more often than not, leave the recipients mind as soon as they are spent. Cash unfortunately for those companies that guarantee to motivate with it is the least lasting type of r eward, because its typically confused with other compensation and therefore forgotten. spare reasons to use tangible rewards rather than cash are summarized below.Comparison between cash and tangible rewards.Cash or Any Cash EquivalentPurely an extrinsic motivator with little emotional exponentiation does notprovide lasting satisfaction and long-term performance stimulationCreates expectations, leads to entitlement and consequently looses its motivating valueA dollar is a dollar participant attaches no greater emotional or sacred value to cash. Lacks emotional impact of tangible rewards thus quickly spent and forgottenNo booty value to be a constant reminder and continue to motivate. It isdifficult to show off thus limits the lasting impact of the rewardDifficult to target a particular behaviour because of the lacking associationwith a particular achievementRecipients often cant recall what they purchased with cash reward whichfurther lessened its impactMinimal association with Sponsor Company due to minimal trophy valueof reward which minimizes the potential of goodwill toward the companyNot cost-effective requires three times the incentive investment comparedto non-cash, on averageUsually spent on necessities thus lacking a positive association with thetargeted accomplishment or behaviourParticipant feels guilty for not spending a cash award on necessities whichtaints the reward with unpleasant feelingsTangible Rewards1. Carry a significant trophy value thus continue to reinforce