Monday, April 15, 2019

Laundry detergent Essay Example for Free

Laundry detergent Es consecrateA ballad A ballad is a rhyming narrative verse written in a form that butt be sung to music. Ballads most often use the rhyme scheme abcb. This fee-tails that in a group of four lines, the second line rhymes with the fourth one. The first and third line do non rhyme. Heres part of a ballad by William Blake (1757-1827). I have written the letters a, b, and c to simoleons the end rhymes. The Maiden caught me in the Wild,(a) Where I was dancing merrily(b) She put me into her Cabinet,(c) And Lockd me up with a prospering key. (b) Poem types write a ballad Topic ideas A time you fell in bed at first sight or thought you did.A car accident. A time you trustworthy bad news. Dont tell the reader how you felt about the news. Instead, show the details of the place and situation where you perceive the news, doing this in a way that expresses your feelings. Think of how, in movies, the camera zooms in on objects to create a mood. See if you evict do the same thing in the poem. A exposition Of Poetry What is rime? The question What is poetry used to be easier to answer. If it rhymed and had a regular meter (a type of speech rhythm), it plausibly was a poem. As they say, If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck. These days, not all poems rhyme or fit into standard forms. And if you look for a receipt to the question, What is poetry? youll find lots of musings about how extremely important and meaningful poetry is, how its the true vegetable marrow of our world, the oxygen that keeps us alive, etc. Some of this is interesting, but most of it isnt very helpful if what youre looking for is an true explanation. One grounds why its so hard to get a straight answer on the subject is that people disagree about what should and shouldnt be considered poetry.Here be any(prenominal) general differences amid poetry and prose (prose is writing thats not poetry), that you can use as a prac tical definition of poetry. Definition of poetry line structure The easiest way to recognize poetry is that it usually looks like poetry (remember what they say about ducks). While prose is organized with sentences and split ups, poetry is unremarkably organized into lines. Heres part of a poem by Robert Herrick (15911674). See how it looks like poetry? Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying And this same extremum that smiles to-day To-morrow will be dying.The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, The higher he s a-getting, The sooner will his race be run, And nearer he s to setting. Now heres the same part of the poem, organized in a paragraph as if it were prose. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying and this same flower that smiles to-day to-morrow will be dying. The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, the higher he s a-getting, the sooner will his race be run, and nearer he s to setting. If you print a page in prose, the ends of the lines depend on where the margin is. With a bigger font size or a bigger margin, the lines are shorter.But in poetry, the poet decides where the lines end. This choice is an substantive part of how we hear and see a poem. It affects how fast or slowly we read, and where we pause when were reading. It causes certain row to stand out more than or less. It affects the way the poem looks to us on the page for example, is on that point a lot of white space, giving us a feeling of lightness and air, or are the words packed solidly together? Definition of poetry importance of physical aspects of language Poetry, more than prose, communicates through the way the words sound and way the poem looks on the page.Think of how music can make us feel things angry, irritable, peaceful, sad, triumphant. Poems naturalize in the same way, but instead of sound and rhythm created by instruments, they use the sound and rhythm of words. In songs with good lyrics, the melody combines with the words to c reate an bright feeling. Similarly, in poetry, thesound of the words works together with their meaning for more emotional impact. The look of the poem on the page adds still another dimension. Some poems have smooth shapes, some have delicate shapes, some have heavy, dense shapes.The breaks in the lines lead our eyes to certain areas. There are even poems with shapes that purposely imitate what the poem is about, for example, a poem about a peeingfall could have lines that trickle slash the page. Definition of Poetry gruelling language The words in poems are doing several jobs at the same time. They do one thing with their meaning, and another thing with their sound. Even their meaning may be operative on more than one level. An important characteristic of poetry is compression, or concentrated language. I dont mean concentrated in the sense of paying close attention.I mean it in the sense of concentrated slipstream detergent, or concentrated orange juice. A half-cup of conc entrated laundry detergent does the same work as a cup of regular detergent a poem typically gets across as much meaning as a larger amount of prose. Concentrated orange juice has the water taken out a good poem has similarly been intensified by removing the non-essential words. This is one reason why poems are often short. Definition of poetry emotional or irrational connection Prose normally talks to the logical part of the readers mind. It explains and describes things it makes sense.Poetry does all this too, but it also tends to work at an emotional or irrational level at the same time. Often, some part of a poem seems to tell directly to the readers emotions. It gives readers a peaceful feeling or an eerie feeling, goosebumps, or it makes them want to cry, even though they may not be sure why they are reacting this way. One way that poems do this is through the use of sound. Poems also tend to suggest things beyond what they actually say often what causes the strongest emoti ons is not what the poem describes, but what it make the reader imagine.Some parts of poems come like dreams from deep places in the mind that even the poet may not understand, and they touch something similarly deep in the reader. A few quotes on the definition of poetry Percy Bysshe Shelley Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar. Here, Shelley points out an important aspect of poetry, which is to find fresh ways of looking at things we think we issue well. Sir Philip Sidney Poetry is a speaking picture This idea emphasizes the physical aspect of a poem, that its a switch of artwork made out of words. Adrienne Rich Poetry is above all a concentration of the might of language, which is the power of our ultimate relationship to everything in the universe. She means concentrated in the sense of concentrated laundry detergent. Language, she says, is our way of relating to the universe. So by strengthen ing language, poetry strengthens our relationship with the universe. Jean Cocteau Poetry is indispensible if I notwithstanding knew what for.

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