Thursday, April 4, 2019

Trends in Psychology and Psychologists

Trends in psychological science and PsychologistsThere atomic number 18 some cases where throng recover that the best way to deal with their rational issues is to keep it within themselves. However, that is non the best termination for all cases. It is a fact that bottling up your emotions could emergence the risk of get a heart disorder or some forms of give the sackcer and welcome serious negative effects oh your health (Chapman, Fiscella, Kawachi, Duberstein, Muennig, 2013). For everyones mental and personal health, throng should take their expressionings and emotions out through talking to someone or trying help. This is where Psychologists atomic number 18 needed. Psychologists draw research, experiment about the human mind and behavior, and provide counseling to promote the well-being of people and better mental health. Psychologists are essential beca hire we are complex beings, no other animal brain is exposed of functioning with high consciousness as we d o, and its not easy to understand and express ourselves. The study and dress that they do help people become more aware of their mind and conscious for mental prosperity.psychological science occupation is relatively large in size beca physical exercise there are many fields in psychology that people can specialize and charm in. The employment of psychologists was 21,600, and the total employees were 10,700 in 2014 with the average loneliness age being 63. Clinical psychology is one of the most popular specialty areas. They are in charge of evaluating and treating mental illnesses and work in hospital or health center to assess conditions of individuals or families. Another popular area in this occupation is experimental psychology. Psychologists in this field area are interested in conducting research about the behavior of humans and animals. Other areas include forensic psychology, developmental psychology, industrial psychology, and so on. Psychologist choosing to work in priv ate practice is continuing to increase over time. In 2010, the percentage of the psychologist who stated that private practice is their primary job was 41%, which is a dramatic increase from 1960, when the percentage was just 17% (Norcross Karpiak, 2012). This career is part of a larger group called Social and company service professionals (NOC 415). According to the application force survey (2015), in Canada, union rate for this group is 52%Psychologists are responsible for advocating mental well-being by working directly with their patients or clients and treating people with mental or emotional disorders. Considering this, it is understandable that effective education and training is important for people who want to work in this career. The requirement and license process vary from province to province. Some provinces require PhDs for a license to work independently while in others a masters degree is sufficient. Due to the many opposite areas psychologist works in, their ear nings are wide in variation. The average starting salaries for psychologists range from about $35,000, specially for those who are self-employed and just starting out, to more than $120,000 a year. The typical working hours for this occupation depends on their job and the level of responsibility. Some have about 40-hours, and others have more than 50 to 60-hours a week. Psychologists have a high level of stress because treating patients can be extremely rewarding but withal emotionally draining. They have heavy workloads and tight schedules. They sometimes have to deal with violent and uncomfortable behaviors. However, no matter how much years psychologists spend to satisfy the requirements and how much stress they get from treating patients, job joy has remained constantly high across the 50 years. No less than 85% of psychologists do not melancholy going through the process and chastisements because of their satisfaction in the career (Norcross Karpiak, 2012).Psychologists c ould have their jobs for life, but the periods of government cutbacks in the past has made it harder for psychologists to secure the job. However, they can still count on having their job for at to the lowest degree 5 to 8 years. This occupational group is predicted to encounter a shortage of workers in the future because of the substantially higher number of job openings available compared to the recent years. According to Canadian Occupational Projection dust (COPS), immature job openings for psychologists are anticipate to total 10,00 while only 8,800 new job seekers are expected to fill them over the period 2015-2024. The Canadian Federation of Independent billet (CFIB) has asked 649 company owners how the labor shortage affected the business. More than 50 percent of owners has said that themselves are working more hours and that they were receiving unhorse quality applicants. 45% of owners has also stated that they had to raise labor costs. Looking at the job predictions of psychologists, we can expect that the worker shortage may have a serious negative impact on businesses.Many trends in society have affected jobs in the field of psychology. This fields expected harvest-home is about 12 percent over the next ten years. One of the reasons why the predicted job harvest-feast is relatively high might be because future impact of mental illness on Canadians is expected to increase by 31% over the next 30 years, resulting in more than 8.9 million people living with a mental illness (Smetanin, Stiff, Briante, Adair, Ahmad, Khan, 2011). Anxiety, depression and other mental disorders ploughth can be explained by the continuous development of technology. 95% of teens are perpetually using the internet. Smartphone ownership in teens ages 12-17 is continuously exploitation, from 23% to 37% from 2011 to 2013 (Madden, Lenhart, Duggan, Cortesi, Gasser, 2013). It is proven that social media sites make people compare their life with others. People set up from increased anxiety because of their failure to meet the expectations and demands that are forced on mood them (Lidbetter, 2012). In Salford Business School at the University of Salford, 298 people were surveyed for the charity Anxiety UK and it was found out that 53% of people think social media changed their behavior 51% of the people said that it was negative behavior because of their confidence declining due to comparisons to others. This would repute that many teenagers would experience an increase in anxiety and depression leading to needing more support and discussion to overcome the emotional issue.Increased use of social media also affects teenagers medicate usage. A study by National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XVI Teens and Parents, the 16th annual back-to-school conducted by CASAColumbia at Columbia University (CASAColumbiaTM) showed that teenager from 12-17 who use social media on a daily basis are quintuplet times more likely to use tobacco, three times more likely to use alcohol, and twice as likely to use marijuana. In addition, 40% admitted they had been exposed to pictures of people under the make for via social media, suggesting a correlation between the two factors. The most addictive substance, tobacco, causes premature mortality in Canada. It is responsible for almost 17% of all deaths (Whiteford, 2013). The serious negative impact caused by addiction to drug and alcohol increases the need for psychologists for a intervention of the addiction.Another reason why the field is expected to grow may be because the print surrounding mental health declined (Bell Canada, 2015). In a survey make by National Harris/Decima in 2015, it was found out that 57% of people deald that the stigma surrounding mental illness reduced compared to 5 years ago. Also, 81% has admitted that they were more aware of issues involving mental health than they were five years ago. Lastly, 70 % has said that they believe peoples belief and thought regarding mental illness has changed to a incontrovertible attitude. Thanks to this, many people with emotional and mental issues are becoming more comfortable in speaking up about their problem with their family and friends thus resulting to more people seeking help. This is important because the stigma is one of the main reason why people with mental illness do not seek help. Through removing the stigma regarding mental illness, people would be able to speak openly without fear of getting judged. With more people asking for help, the need for psychologists would continue to increase.Not only did the development in technology affect the field of psychology to grow, but it also improved and changed how the psychologists treat patients. Though out the history, treatment has been carried out with the patient and the psychologists in the same room. However, technology has developed to the point that this can be achieved without very being together at one place. Telehealth, w hich is about using technology such as icon calling to virtually have a conference and deliver treatment services to the clients, is continuously growing in usage among psychologists (Nickelson, Magallettaa, Ax, 1998). Online therapy is similar in concept. It is about performing therapy through real-time type colloquy between the psychologist and the patient. Although there is a clear benefit, it makes it easier for people to get therapy without transportation, it also raises a lot of questions on the ethical and practical issues, such as, the effect of therapy when the patient is on a video monitor and not in the room or the problem of security when virtually communicating with the patient. Other issues involve the hardship in understanding the client accurately and forming a relationship through communication in a text. There is no definite answer to these problems, and the issue is still being reviewed by psychologists.I believe that for a person to become a psychologist, one should be able to come up with new and better solutions, suggestions, and techniques to improve clients well-being and ask insightful questions to help different clients in need. I feel thatBibliographyBell Canada (2015). Bell Lets Talk The first 5 years (2010-2015). Retrieved from http//, L. F., Freedheim, D. K., Norcross, J. C., VandenBos, G. R. (2016). APA handbook of clinical psychology (1 st ed., Vol 5. ). Washington, DC American Psychological Association.Government of Canada. (2015). Psychology. Retrieved from http//www.publichealth.gc.caJessica L. Kohout and William E. Pate, Employment and trends in psychology, pp. 343-361, Springer New York, New York, NY, 2013Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Duggan, M., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., (2013) Teens and technology, 2013. Pew explore Center, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from http//, R. D., Kuther, T. L., Habben, C. J. (Eds.). (2012) . Life After Graduate School in Psychology Insiders Advice from New Psychologists (1). Hove, US Psychology Press. Retrieved from http//www.ebrary.comPsychologist. (n.d.). Career Cruising. Retrieved January 21, 2017, from http//www.careercruising.comSmetanin, P., Stiff, D., Briante, C., Adair, C.E., Ahmad, S. and Khan, M. The Life and Economic Impact of Major Mental Illnesses in Canada 2011 to 2041. RiskAnalytica, on behalf of the Mental health Commission of Canada 2011.The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. (2011). National survey of american attitudes on substance abuse xvi teens and parents. Retrieved from http// et al. (2013). Global burden of disease attributable to mental and substance use disorders Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet, 382 1575-86.Chapman, B.P. Fiscella, K. Kawachi, I. Duberstein, P. Muenni g, P. Emotion suppression and mortality risk over a 12-year follow-up. J. Psychosom. Res. 2013, 75, 381-385.

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