Monday, April 29, 2019

Enhancing the Patient Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Enhancing the Patient beat - Essay ExampleDue to space imitation, the paper will focus only on the challenges that were go through during the case study discussed, and non on the treatment. Different studies have revealed that person-centred c ar not only gives psychological satisfaction to patients, but also helps the nurses to educe psychological satisfaction in their job, as person-centred care not only makes easy their job, but also provides certain sense of spiritual meaning and attainment to the process of caring. The Case Study The case study included in this paper is of a puerile female client who was recommended by her school for counseling and therapy. The physical examination of the client had revealed that the client was intemperately overweight and was suffering from obesity related problems. Her academic performance had gone down drastically in last six months, and she was becoming emotionally and psychologically distant from her peers and teachers. However, the decision to send her for counseling was taken when her parents approached the school regarding her performance and expressed worries over her behaviour problems. The method used to understand the client was personalized inter follow. Six sessions of interview were conducted with the client. It was found that she was suffering from low self-esteem and insecurity. ... The clients eating plan was related to the emotional insecurity and unfulfilled needs. Hence, it was very unavoidable to adopt a person-centred approach to gain her confidence and faith. Person-centred approach is one of the most effective approaches in care. According to Ford and McCormack (2000), in gear up to provide person-centred care, practitioners must acquire knowledge about the person which allows them to provide care and services that are compatible with individuals values and which are, as such, highly valued (Clarke, Hanson and Ross 2003, p.697). However, understanding the values of a person is not an ea sy task. There were many challenges that were experienced during the journey of the treatment process. Interestingly, the challenges started right from the line of descent of the treatment as the first challenge was faced when I had to understand the core values of my client. create mutual trust Communication between nurse and patient is an important aspect of a successful treatment. However, communication is possible only when the patient trusts the nurse and believes that the details of his personal life will extend confidential. Hence, in order to encourage my client to open up emotionally, it was necessary for me to gain her trust. It was important to secure her that I was not going to judge her in any way, but understood her point of view completely. It has been observed that due to differing interpretation of illness and related conditions, the mutual trust between the nurse and the patient, which is necessary for good communication, cannot be developed (Sartain, Clarke a nd Heyman 2000, p. 913). Mutual trust can be enhanced by accessing and closure the difference in patients and service providers interpretation of the medical

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